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Masters programs


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Hi all, 


I am currently doing a PhD in philosophy but I'm looking to change disciplines. Even though I took some political science classes as an undergrad and I have a decent background in math (calculus, linear algebra, intro to stats), I think I would benefit from doing a masters in political science before applying to PhD programs. Unfortunately, the ones offered in the U.S. seem to have few opportunities for funding. I am aware of the MPhil programs in the UK (Oxford, LSE, Cambridge) and I was wondering if you knew of other strong departments in the US or elsewhere with masters programs.

Thank you in advance!

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I'm not really aware of any solid MA programs that regularly provide full funding.  However, given your background, why don't you want to apply directly to PhD programs?  You would definitely receive funding in that case, and the vast majority of programs require their PhD students to start from scratch when they enter even if they already have an MA from another institution.  In other words, you would have to do an MA twice and likely pay something for the first. 

Edited by fakeusername
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I would also echo the advice of fakeusername. I'm also curious as to which subfield you're interested in our what sort of questions you hope to study? How dramatically you want to switch could also impact what further training you might need. If possible in your current program, you might try to take a course or two outside of philosophy to see if political science truly is for you (though you might have done so already and just not mentioned it). 

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I definitely wouldn't look to the UK for Masters funding.. we're generally rubbish.  As others have said it sounds like you have a good background. If you can articulate your research ideas/thoughts/questions etc. clearly within your area of interest then you should have a chance. 

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Chicago's MAPSS (Master of Arts in the Social Sciences) program gives out scholarships of various amounts, up to a full scholarship.


If you're in a philosophy department at a school with a good political science department, then check to see if your school has a masters degree for internal students.  Perhaps you can use a year of funding from your Philosophy degree to get the political science masters.

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If you already have a master's-level background in philosophy and core math skills then you are already better equipped than most to start a PhD in poli sci. Assuming you have some basic research ideas in mind, you should go straight after the PhD.

Edited by BigTenPoliSci
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