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Here are essay questions from OB- the subject I am studying at the Vietnamese university:

1) Debate critically the extent to which you believe organizations should have a role to play in the lives of their staff or with broader social concerns for the work/life balance

2) Discuss critically the extent to which you believe that money is only a short-term incentive rather than a real long-term motivator

3) What conclusions can you draw about turnover if an employer strives to find balance in work-life conflicts ? How can the employer find this balance and still have productive employees.


My teacher make me choose from these 3 topics; however, I don't know how to deal with these kinds of questions. Can anyone provide me with some sources to look at. 

Furthermore, can you instruct me how to write it effectively :)



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To find the sources you need you should learn how to use a search engine (e.g., PsychInfo or Google Scholar) efficiently. So for question two you could try searching "Money" AND "Incentive" then you can narrow where you want these words to appear (e.g., title, text, abstract). 

To write efficiently you should be constructing your essay like a upside down triangle (UNLESS you are writing a research thesis, with a  discussion and results section, in which case it should be like an hourglass). What I mean by the upside down triangle is you start broadly and than narrow in on research that supports your conclusion. Make sure you cite each and every source that you use/get ideas from and use APA formatting if this is for a psychology class. If you want to be super technical you should be including a running head and page numbers. 

Using transition words is helpful for linking ideas and allowing your essay to be less jarring to read (e.g., additionally, further, therefore, nevertheless, however, thus ext.). Your paragraphs should follow a logical flow from idea to idea and you can achieve this by having the last sentence in each paragraph link to the first sentence in the next paragraph. For example:

Although, many researchers believe that the humming bird only obtains nutrition from plant nectar, recent research has shown that they may eat a diverse range of plant material.

Someone et al, (2008) followed the migration pattern of a wide variety of bird species and determined that hummingbirds obtain most their nutrition from flower petals and stems. 

Hope this helped,



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