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UCSD "Nominated" for admission?


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Glad to see someone else with a Korea focus! I was over there for a little over 2 years; absolutely loved it. If I decide that UCSD is too expensive than I'd be looking at the SKY universities. I think my ultimate goal will be to end up back in Korea at some point, and now I'm just trying to figure out the best way to make that happen. I know IRPS places people in Asia and gives internships and like over there as well, so I think it's possible if I make that my goal from the beginning.


I applied for American as well, but unfortunately one of my professors never sent in a letter of recommendation. It was a little difficult to hassle him enough while I was in Korea, and I couldn't find another professor in time. Did you ever consider doing the American/Korea University program backwards? It'd definitely be cheaper if you were paying KU rates while in DC as opposed to American rates while in Seoul.

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Me, you, and Kosmosis707 all seem to be working between a DC school (specifically SIS I think) and IRPS. Are you guys at all worried about passing up the brand recognition, higher ranking, and geographic location SIS offers? It seems to be a pretty easy decision for you guys but I'm really struggling between the two.


I think the rankings of SIS compared to UCSD caused me to at least waiver for a second, but not the geographic location.  Ultimately, I really want to find jobs that are in Asia, rather than DC.  While I understand that most international orgs are based in DC, I don’t really see myself settling down there.  As long as I can somehow work a great internship in Asia, I’ll be completely satisfied.


As for the ranking, it did make me consider SIS for a couple of days.  However, I pretty much have an unwavering commitment to the Southeast Asia region and I didn’t see any study abroad programs based in SEA, any specific SEA language training, and it just started to seem like UCSD was the better fit for my specific interests.  Although it was a drag to only see Indonesian and Mandarin as SEA track languages offered at UCSD, I still feel like the region is better represented in the IR/PS program.


Ultimately it just came down to fit for my specific interests.  And then cost also became a factor.  

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Glad to see someone else with a Korea focus! I was over there for a little over 2 years; absolutely loved it. If I decide that UCSD is too expensive than I'd be looking at the SKY universities. I think my ultimate goal will be to end up back in Korea at some point, and now I'm just trying to figure out the best way to make that happen. I know IRPS places people in Asia and gives internships and like over there as well, so I think it's possible if I make that my goal from the beginning.


I applied for American as well, but unfortunately one of my professors never sent in a letter of recommendation. It was a little difficult to hassle him enough while I was in Korea, and I couldn't find another professor in time. Did you ever consider doing the American/Korea University program backwards? It'd definitely be cheaper if you were paying KU rates while in DC as opposed to American rates while in Seoul.

I've heard some not so positive things about the SKY schools since I've been over here, and I'd be worried about somehow being unable to get into the dual degree part of the program (they only send a few students it looks like) and just getting stuck with the Korean degree... I can't imagine it would be nearly as useful as an American degree. If I was trying to backdoor a dual degree from an American University that way, I'd probably opt to go Yonsei/Chicago... From this side where I am guaranteed to recieve the American degree is a lot more promising.

That, and the Korean schools are still not all that cheap or convenient for foreign applicants. You're still looking at least $20,000 a year, and since their application cycle is several months after the US one, I'd have to skip applying to schools in the US if I wanted to go to the Korean schools. Too much risk without enough promise of reward.

As far as UCSD's ranking... it's not significantly lower. 13th to American's 8th. It still clocks in higher than Oxford, Yale, and Berkley, which is impressive.

Edited by blooscorn
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I'm guessing folks don't have an answer to this, but does IR/PS send all of their funding decisions close to the same time?  Or do they trickle out?  I see we have one fellowship offer out there already (BTW...congrats!) I'm not really expecting any due to my low GRE scores, but I'm anxious to have it official for planning purposes.

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I'm going to write them (IRPS) about funding. I don't expect to get much/any, and am hoping that their TA/RA positions are as fruitful and plentiful as many people here and elsewhere have implied, but I'll let you know what I hear.


My kind of tentative and constantly changing life goal is get some experience working as a professional in one of the big 3 EA countries, then eventually transitioning to a DC based career. Being a permanent expat doesn't really appeal to me. I feel IRPS might be a little more useful for that, esp given their regional spec and language requirements.


As for doing a SKY only degree, that'll look good in SK but I think you're just confining yourself to too small a geographic area. You're limiting your early employment options to basically one city (Seoul). Obviously you won't be confined there forever but it just seems to be putting too many eggs in one basket. I've lived in Seoul on and off for about 2 of the last 3 years and love it, but committing to a long term, possibly lifelong career there would make me feel too boxed in.


Also, for the school ranking, IRPS has been climbing the ranks over the last few years and doesn't seem to be stopping. Even with its location its pulling #13 now, but by the time current graduates are mid career it may be higher than that.

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Thank you guys!!  I'm so excited! I got my official acceptance around 4 AM my time so I guess around 12 AM SD time?

I agree with botbot about the prestige. The reason why I'm so readily to accept UCSD's offer is mainly due to its location and its strong concentration in both Asian and Latin American studies. It's a perfect for my goals and interests.


I'm a little wary about the living costs in SD but my friends in Cali have told me that it's not as expensive as people typically believe. As for news about funding, the fellowship email from the director noted that more information about financial aid funding will come out this week, so there is still hope!!



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  • 2 years later...


Sorry to bump this post

I receive "Nominate for admission" two weeks +, and I have not yet heard anything else.  (Last msg was March 6 "Congratulate for your nomination for admission")

Well, nothing is official but I hope for the best

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12 hours ago, heikkie said:


Sorry to bump this post

I receive "Nominate for admission" two weeks +, and I have not yet heard anything else.  (Last msg was March 6 "Congratulate for your nomination for admission")

Well, nothing is official but I hope for the best


@heikkie I would just call them. I called Sonja from GPS today because I didn't hear back about my financial awards and she updated me immediately. 

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