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Top schools in the world for Mathematics and Applied sciences?

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So I'm a psychology major however, I really do enjoy math, (I wish I would have double majored in it, too late now that I'm graduating). Anyways, while in my upper level probability & statistics course today a fellow student stated that our professor went to the best school in the world for math and applied sciences, this school is; Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur India. Truth be told, I haven't heard of this school and it got me thinking, what are the top schools in the world for the areas of study generally associated with mathematics or "math based thinking"(physics, computer science, statistics...)? Is the school mentioned in this post "up there" on the list?   

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To be honest, the fields you are referring to are so diverse that there is not one university "the best" in all of them. Even within one of those fields, there are probably different universities the best in different subfields. Also, there is very likely to be a different between education (undergrad or grad level) and research output.


In any case, I think that Cambridge is arguably the best place to get a maths education. Especially part III, the masters, is known to be top-notch. Also, Princeton seems to be good for maths. I don't think any of the other fields you mention have such a definite stand-out.


As far as I know, IIT is the best Indian university. It is one of the few universities in India from which Cambridge accepts BSc holders to proceed to masters. From most Indian universities, a masters is required to proceed to a Cambridge masters. I never heard IIT being called the best uni in the world. It sure seems to be fine, but I doubt it is objectively the best in any of the fields you mention. If there even exists such a thing.

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