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Fall 2016- School Psychology


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Hi! I am applying to graduate school later this year for the Fall of 2016. I plan on applying to masters programs in school psychology. I am considering Psy.D programs, but I'm not completely sure yet.


I guess my biggest worry concern is not being accepted become of my GPA. I made a little over a 3.0 as an undergrad due to personal "life" things that happened during the time I was in school. I do have experience working in a school, I have research experience, I was highly active as an under grad, and I do plan on taking the GRE in a few months (including the subject test just to be prepared). I also just got accepted into an Americorps program. Do you guys think this will help me?

Also, what schools would you recommend? Which have good programs that are focused more on training their students to practice rather than to do research? I need all of the help I can get!



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In general, PsyD programs will train you more to practice than to do research. In fact, that is pretty much the whole point of why the degree exists. PhD programs are supposed to be about research. Some people were interested in psychology and had no desire for research and that is why the PsyD was invented. Now, in practice, we know that a lot of PhDs stop doing research pretty much immediately after getting their degree and open a private practice or whatever :)


The point being, if you are going for practice over research, then the PsyD in general will be better than the PhD. As far as specific programs, I couldn't say.


Also, your GPA alone will not bar you from being admitted. I have seen students admitted with a low GPA because they had all of the other things that graduate schools look for, so one component will not keep you out generally.

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