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Torn: History MA or MSEd in Higher Education Administration


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Hi everyone,


Hope everyone is doing well and feeling good about their future plans! I was hoping I could tap into some wisdom from this wonderful board regarding my plans for next fall...


Some background: I have always wanted to pursue a graduate program in History. My initial plan after graduating in 2010 was to go for a PhD, but after doing some research on the academic job market and talking with people currently in PhD programs, that dream was sort of crushed. My next idea was to go for a MA because A). I love history and B). it would be helpful professionally for getting jobs in research, think tanks, etc.


Well, here I am five years later and am still unsure of what would be the best move professionally. My most recent position was working as a program assistant for a liberal arts program at Hunter College. I really enjoyed it and would love to advance in higher education administration -- specifically in academic advising and curriculum planning. I am on the fence as to whether a History MA or an MSEd in Higher Ed Administration would be the better path to pursue that goal. I have been admitted to both programs and need to make a decision ASAP. The MSEd would be the obvious choice, but it seems like people in positions I am interested in have degrees in liberal arts fields, rather than in higher education specifically. I would also love to teach, which is another bonus with the MA in History.


So, to make a long story short (sorry for my long-windedness!), I was wondering if anyone had any input. Has anyone received a History MA that has allowed them a similar career path? Or do you think the MSEd would be the best option, given my career goals?


Thanks, all!

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My girlfriend is applying for administrative jobs within the university system in California. She has an MA in English and 5+ years in (varied) administrative positions within a university. As an outsider she is having extreme difficulty. If you specifically want to work in administration the MSed may be the better choice, especially if you are planning to apply to a university that you are not currently employed at.

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