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Could I get a review on this Issue Essay? I would like an opinion/feedback


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The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.


Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.



- Students more likely to want to please (conditioning)

- Encouragement benefits, better emotional health

- Creates a positive environment, more achieving oriented



- Students don’t learn right from wrong

- May continue doing negative actions




                Instructors should refrain from placing students under condemnation for negative actions. Such negativity from instructors can hinder student development since they will feel less likely to contribute and further – damage their self-esteem. In contrast, students are more likely to succeed in their ambitions due to stronger mental health and diligence derived from positive reinforcement.


                Instructors who are lavish in their dispensing of approbation will likely instill a positive feedback loop in their pupils who will then want to continually please their instructors. Many people, especially ones who do not take harsh criticism well, are prone to buckle under pressure. Therefore, for people like this, positive reinforcement can support their lack of self-esteem. Because these students then feel more capable and more highly motivated due to an increase in their self-esteem, they will be more likely to want to reproduce the same actions which lead them to such positive feelings. Teachers who wish to bring out the best in their students should be advised to support their mental well-being through praise.


                In conjunction with the effects of continual praise is the development of an atmosphere conducive to positivity, which will aid students in bolstering their fervor for achievement. By continually praising their students, teachers will create an atmosphere which is conducive to discussion and positive growth. Students who have been praised will feel more comfortable to divulge perspective on pertinent topics. This action will then be reciprocated by the teacher and again – the teacher being lavish in approbation – will continue to reinforce efforts of the student. In effect, these actions give greater determination to the student because they would feel rewarded, as they should, for having contributed, and are more likely to continue this behavior in the future.


                One oversight on supporting teachers in only praising positive actions is the consequence of ignoring negative ones, namely – the continuation of doing negative actions – as the student has not been appropriately disciplined in discerning right from wrong. To simply ignore any negative action and not allow there to be any consequence will not only harm the student causing such actions, but the entire class. Consider, for instance, a student who continually badmouths the instructor in front of the class. It would be quite absurd to simply ignore this action, and because there has been no measure of discipline for the student, he/she may continue this action without fear of castigation. The entire class may then catch on to this lack of discipline and mimic the student, or alternatively, be disrupted by the student, hindering their learning. Obviously, there should be at least some measure of discipline, but perhaps one that is appropriately fitting for the misdeed.


                Students surrounded by a positive atmosphere and praise for positive actions will likely wish to reinforce such attributes. In general, reinforcement of such attitudes will aid in cultivating success, both in mental aptitude and drive. 

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