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How accurate are the ETS GRE Practice Tests?


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It seems like when I take these, they are very much different than the other practice tests I've taken. They are the Powerprep II tests from ETS. Firstly, they only have 5 sections instead of 6. All the other practice tests I've taken have included the experimental section as well. Secondly, they don't seem to be as adaptive to how you're doing. The test is supposed to get more difficult if you do good on the first few sections. Lastly, the first verbal section seemed much more difficult than on the other tests I've taken. The other tests I've taken I've gotten somewhere in the range of 12-18 questions correct. This one I got 8 right. It was as difficult as a "hard" 2nd verbal section in the other tests. So it doesn't seem to be as adaptive. I've been scoring in the range of 157-159 and I ended up with a 152, which has me concerned. My quantitative score was closer to what I usually get, 157-160Q and I ended up with a 158Q

Edited by westy3789
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Powerprep was the most accurate of all in my case although I ended up getting more on the actual test

After looking at the thread about practice test scores compared to actual test scores on the site, it seems as though it's typical for a person to score lower on the Powerprep tests than they would on the actual GRE. You may be the exception. 

Edited by westy3789
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Like random_grad, I also scored higher on the real test than I did in the PowerPrep and I thought the PowerPrep was the most like the real test for me. But I took the "old" GRE (not the Revised GRE).

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I actually scored considerably lower on the GRE than any of my POWERPREP II practice exams. From what I've seen thus far on the forums, this seems to make me one of the odd ones out...?

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