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Request for grading an issue essay


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Hello! Can someone please grade this issue essay?


Issue - As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.

On the contrary, human creativity has improved through the decades with breakthroughs in technology. An argument can be forged from two broad assertions:

  1. We have been integrating technological tools with our creativity to successfully solve problems.
  2. Technology continues to find versatile uses in the entertainment industry.

The notion that the integration of technology with the way we live leads to intellectual atrophy is naive. It would be fanciful to envision our future as a kind of dystopia, where humans lead lethargic, pampered and dim witted lives, as regretful hostages to a technological takeover. Such a scenario is unlikely and cliched.

Humans have consistently combined technological discoveries with their creativity to solve challenging problems.

The advent of internet revolutionized the way humans led lives. Invented in the nineties by a group of physicists at CERN, it has been the pinnacle of human achievement for the past three decades. Companies like Google, Microsoft, Apple and many more exploited the power of the internet to rapidly innovate and tackle some of the world's toughest problems. Facebook offered to the option to self-tag as a way for people to communicate to their loved ones of their safety, this increased rescue aid in the region. Google has developed a self-driving car that may one day lead to zero fatalities. Space X has commercialized space travel and may make space tourism a viable hobby. Tesla Motors have developed an all-electric car that is environmentally friendly. These examples serve to highlight the fact that innovation and technology share a symbiotic relationship.

Admittedly, we may have found substitutes for performing routine tasks in technology. Calculators may have made us arithmetically slow, but in light of current problems like poverty, malnutrition, terrorism and human trafficking, a decline in calculation abilities seems hardly worth fussing over. Our lack of ability to run and hunt as neanderthals once did, is indicative of our adaptation to a new paradigm; we don't fight woolly mammoths with wooden stakes anymore, our current challenges are significantly different.

The discovery of fire, penicillin, and invention of wheel are examples of technological epochs signifying our struggle with the challenges we faced. Our knowledge of the universe over the past century has exploded, yet new questions about the fundamental nature of matter continue to tantalize us. Many diseases like polio and small pox have been eradicated, yet others like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's are still poorly understood. 

Our collective human existence has been a dance between curiosity and challenges. It is safe to conclude that human creativity flourishes at this intersection of technological progress and the search of solutions to real-world problems.

With regard to the second point, technology has led to prolific innovation in artistic domains. Games, movies, arts, and music have seen a widespread adoption of technology into their mainstream curriculum. Humans have consistently used these technological tools to generate such marvels as 3D-moviesOcculus RiftMicrosoft HoloLens, and smart phone applications.Wielding technology has widened our scope, given us new platforms of artistic expression and nurtured our collective wisdom.

The potential for creativity and innovation that technology unlocks are enormous. Our fundamental drive to innovate, adapt and express ourselves in new ways is as intrinsic to the human nature as it gets. We have been remarkably successful in adapting to technology. It can only be presumed that this trend is to continue.

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