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Differences between I/O psych, OD psych, and OB psych PhDs?

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So I was looking the psychology programs that tie in both psychology and business/workplace elements, and I came across schools that offer I/O, OD, and OB programs. I was wondering what are the differences between these fields, the areas/topics that they cover, and perhaps the type of work that they could do  with these degrees outside professorships.


I'm particularly looking to do some applied work in the business/corporate world. Would this be possible with the OD/OB degree as opposed with the I/O degree? I'm not too interested in the "I" side of I/O programs  so i'm leaning toward OB/OD programs, but I'm worried about about the types of applied work I could get. I wouldnt mind working as a researcher, however, I wouldn't dare doing that in a research university, because I don't see myself as a professor.


Anyone in the I-O/OD/OB field who could shed a light?



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I don't know much about OD, but if you plan to go applied, I/O is going to be a lot more friendly to you.  OB/Management programs are geared toward creating academics and often (not always, but PRETTY darn often) expressing an interest in an applied career is looked down upon.  It's not that it wouldn't be possible for you to do that work, but OB programs are geared toward producing academics (read: professors).  I/O programs tend to take a more balanced approach.  Some lean more heavily one way or the other, but there are several top-ranked I/O programs that try to prep you for either career path.

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