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Sending GRE scores to schools only after seeing the score first

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I am planning on retaking the GRE on November 30th for application deadlines of January 1st.  In the event that I score lower than the first time I took the test, I was not going to list any schools this time.  I am simply going to see the score, and if I like it, then I'll pay the extra $25 for each school to have ETS send them to those places afterwards.

My question is, how long does it take to send scores to schools that I did not list on the test like this?  Would I be cutting it too close taking the test on November 30th for January 1st deadlines?

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You should be fine (though cutting it a bit close).

Exams usually take about 2-3 wks to be completely graded (e.g. AWA portion) and then they're subsequently sent to the institutes. Most applications will have you enter in your scores but won't consider your application complete until all official scores are in. This most likely won't prevent them from beginning to evaluate your application package. Though since January 1st is the new year most committees won't really start reviewing until the second wk of Jan or so. Good luck with your application cycle. 

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