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Help with GRE essay

Shubham Gupta

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“Over the past year, our late-night news program has devoted increased time to national news and less time to weather and local news. During this time period, most of the complaints received from viewers were concerned with our station’s coverage of  ... <ending missing -fuzzylogician>

The manager states that over the past year, the televison station has concerntrated more on the national news rather the earlier weather and the local news. Now one of the reason given by the manager for justifying the reducion in the number of their viewers can be the change of the focus of the televison channel news to national from the weather and the local news. The manager also suggests that the most of the complaints received from the viewers are concerned with their station's coverage of weather and local news, but it not mentioned anywhere that whether the complaint is in the favour of the increasing the number of the programs concerned with the weather and local news, or wether it is against the content shown on the television regarding the weather and the local news. Therefore it can't be concluded in order to attract the viewers the weather and the local news should be increased. So in order to bring back the viewers the exact complaints stated by the them should be focus then only the type of the complaint. If the real and actual problems faced by the viewers can be understood, they can be easily attracted by bringing in the effective solutions.

One more point raised by the manager is that the advertising companies hace just canceled their contracts with the television station and in order to not lose any further contacts the news items related to the weather and the local news should be restored to its former level. Now, it is nowhere mentioned that why the advertising compaines canceled their contracts with the station, the reasons for doing so can be anything, the lack of products to advertised or the need to advertise a particular product to gain publicity, the adversiting company can have many reasons. But as no reason is mentioned it can't be concluded the reason behind the contract cancellation is the national news rather than the local or weather news. As the advertising companies would focus on the time duration of their ads and the visibility of their ads rather than the content or programs running along with the ads, be it national, weather or the local news. So in order to find a proper solution for the problem the reason for the cancellation of the contract should be looked at rather than making the wrong assumption of change in the news content.

Edited by fuzzylogician
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