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Argument Paper: Please help me, I will grade others


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This is my first official practice test please help me.

An international development organization, in response to a vitamin A deficiency among people in the impoverished nation of Tagus, has engineered a new breed of millet high in vitamin A. While seeds for this new type of millet cost more, farmers will be paid subsidies for farming the new variety of millet. Since millet is already a staple food in Tagus, people will readily adopt the new variety. To combat vitamin A deficiency, the government of Tagus should do everything it can to promote this new type of millet. 

My Response:

The assumption made by the international development organization will likely not yield the desired result of increasing the vitamin A intake of the people of Tagus. This is because there are questions that should be considered before the conclusion was made. 

Indeed millet might be a staple food in Tagus. But the international development organization needs to know if the new breed of millet with change the look and taste of millet. The people of Tagus have been used to millet that looked and tasted a certain way for many years. Will this new breed of millet look and taste different after it has prepared by the people of Tagus. It is wrong to assume that since millet is a staple food in Tugus, people will automatically like this look and tasted of the new breed of millet. 

It is also not accurate to think assume that the government of Tagus should do everything it can to promoto this new type of millet. What if they promote it as much as they can and the people do not trust the government’s opinion and do not purchase this new breed of millet. Concluding that the people of Tagus trust their government enough to believe and do everything they want is wrong. People might have had trust issues with their government in the past and might not trust the fact that the new breed of millet is safe and healthy. It should have been asked if the people of Tagus trust their government enough to believe what it says.

Another question that can be considered is if there are other products that could be created so that the people of Tagus can increase their vitamin A increase. A survey should be taken to see what the people of Tagus would prefer when it comes to increasing their vitamin A intake. They might prefer just taking a pill or prefer another food product have an increase of vitamin A.Surveys are a great way to know what the population is thinking. This assumption did not take into consideration what the people of Tagus would think. 

In conclusion there are many questions that should have been asked and answered before concluding that increasing the vitamin A intake in millet will result in increasing the vitamin A intake of the people of Tagus. 
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This is from my first practice test

Question from Manhattan Prep Free Practice Test: People who make decisions based on emotion and justify those decisions with logic afterwards are poor decision makers.

My Response

I believe that emotions can be a good foundation to some good decisions. Emotions might actually be the foundation to the best decision a person can make in their lifetime. 

As a young person I have engaged in conversations with many people who are older than myself. Many of this people are either happily married or are divorced and remarried. Many of the people that were divorced have told me that they knew the marriage had an expiration date even as they were walking down their aisle. They had gut feeling.This will be considered an emotion. An emotion that ended up becoming a reality. But they went ahead with the wedding because it did not make any sense to cancel the wedding. The guests were already there, the pastor was at the altar and people brought gifts. They would have felt a sense of shame if they walked away from the wedding. 

The truth of the matter is that their reasoning for going ahead with the wedding was logical but it did not last because they did not go with their gut feeling. I believe that marriage requires connection which is a feeling and action. I believe that if people focus on their their gut feelings maybe we won’t have as much divorce as we have right now in the America. Half of all marriages end in divorce. Maybe if people did not make logical decision based on their age, other’s opinion they might actually wait and get married to someone that they actually love.

There are other circumstances that feelings have actually led to greatness. I know many people who made decisions based on a feeling. They felt a void in their life and because of that they made a decision to change it. Some people create orphanages because they were orphans when they were young but did not have people to look after them like family a family would. Due to this feeling of emptiness when they younger, they decided to create an orphanage. This is an incredible reason to do something great for others based on a feeling

I thoroughly understand that their are many reasons why it is not a good idea to make decisions based on emotions and then justify it based on logic later on. The truth is that emotions are fleeting. Especially if that decision is going to be regretted later on. For example when people fight with someone because they were insulted. This is a negative emotional reaction. On court shows that I have watched, this has led to an arrest, restraining order and a law suit. The feeling that comes with being insulted led to the physical fight. Sometimes people try to justify it logically by explaining that if others were in their shoes they would do the same. But when they realize the lawsuits that comes with their actions and the criminal record that comes with it, then they realize that it was not worth it.

In conclusion, being emotional about something can lead to creating and establishing something that can impact the world in a positive way. This can only happen if emotions lead one to do something good, but one has to be careful because negative emotions can also lead one to make a bad choice that will later on be regretted. 
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