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Best Online Masters Programs


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Hi All,

I'm new here to the forum. I've researched through some of the past forums, but haven't found exactly what I'm looking for so I thought I'd start a fresh thread and get some new input.

My background: Non-quant degree from a top public university. Low GPA (though much higher in my last 90 units ~3.7). Currently working as an analyst. My work experience is highly quantitative/data driven with some scripting involved. I've taken a few MOOC and plan on taking a couple of more. GRE is a 164/162/5.5

I'm looking into online Masters programs for CS or Statistics. Particularly, I'm looking to get into Data Science. I would love to study Stats but it seems like online CS programs are more common, and I'm happy to study either as I found both interesting and challenging. 

A couple of things I'm looking for in particular:
1) Flexibility - obviously it would be ideal to be able to take a couple of statistics/data science courses to mix with the computer science courses. This seems a bit rare online though.

2) Name value - how much does this really matter in your opinion?

Programs that I am aware of:


USC MS in CS - seems very selective
Georgia Tech OMSCS - seems like a great program 
Johns Hopkins EP MSCS - curriculum seems to be more flexible than others
UIUC MCS - curriculum seems limited?

Purdue University MS in CS - name value?
Columbia MS in CS - seems very selective

All thoughts and inputs are truly greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!



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