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Khan Academy a good study tool (quant)?


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I took the GRE 4 years ago and studied for maybe a week. I got into the program I was shooting for, so it my average score wasn't an issue. 

This time, I'd like to do as well as humanly possible. I'm looking at PhD programs in experimental psychology, and average scores won't cut it. I'm giving myself at least 6 months to prepare for the quantitative section, and am wondering: Is Khan Academy a good resource to use? I have a broader goal of learning more advanced maths, so it'd serve two purposes. 


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I used Khan Academy to review for the GRE and feel that it helped me quite a bit. Sal goes into more depth than strictly necessary for some topics, but this can help solidify your mathematical understanding. The key is to make sure that you do as many practice problems as possible - - this is how you learn math. I scored a 168 despite missing two data interpretation questions due to carelessly misreading a graph and generally scored between 168 and 170 on the official practice tests (the majority of the questions I missed were due to careless errors). I'm not particularly good at math IMO, so you should certainly be able to do well if you spend a few months practicing. Make sure that you do all of the official practice problems and practice tests written by ETS in addition to the problems offered by Khan Academy. If you are looking for additional resources, I highly recommend Magoosh.  The Manhattan 5 lb Book of practice problems is also worth getting if you are going to be studying for 6 months. 

Edited by St0chastic
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