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Sorry if I've posted this in the wrong place or it gets excessively long. I would just appreciate some advice regarding if I have a choice in which programme I choose and then which one seems better.

I am an international studies who applied for PhD programmes in the US and Canada in late 2015. I am now faced with a very tricky situation regarding whether I even have a choice as to where I attend.

School A, I arranged essentially my own Masters with a supervisor with the goal being to turn it into a PhD. The supervisor is actually not a member of the department I will be part of but is adjunct in both. I'm concerned this could be an issue as they have stated that my department isn't their favourite, equally they travel a lot. 

However this professor is quite distinguished in her field and is at a very highly ranked university. She has experience with lots of masters and PhD students.

They have offered me funding of $25,000 but with fees of $6000. While they've said I would never be without a stipend I would need to apply for external grants with my supervisor. Also I would not get any teaching experience here. 

With regards to turning it into a PhD, apparently this is a formality and would occur after 1 year so I'd only pay tuition for one year. One particular thing I'm worried about is the city, I really don't want to live there or in that country but I would be willing to if I'm convinced this is the right decision. 

School B, I applied the conventional way and received an offer to enter their program. I am not tied to any supervisor however one has expressed an interest and I believe I'd enjoy working with him. However I would be his first PhD student. I would get $25,000 with no fees and the opportunity to teach. This supervisor also has stronger links to industry which is where I want to end up after my PhD.

This school is considered quite prestigious but doesn't rank very highly.

As I arranged my own Masters at school A, they gave me very little time to accept the offer (2 weeks) so naturally I accepted as at this point I had heard nothing back from anywhere else. I am however beginning to wonder whether I could back out of this offer given that I had such little time and what the consequences for doing this would be.

I would also greatly appreciate any help as to which school seems the better option.




Given your circumstances have changed, I believe you should not feel guilty about backing out of the first school if that is what you want to do. A PhD is a big commitment, and you will not be doing yourself (or them) any favors if you are not where you want to be. As to which is the better option, that's a very personal decision, but the impression I am getting from your post is that you prefer School B. I believe in trusting your "gut feeling."


Thank you for your response. I looked into it and they're a member of the American Council of Grad Schools so technically should have given me until April 15th. 

Im concerned that my personal feelings surrounding cities and people is clouding my judgement though. I don't want to give up an amazing educational opportunity just because I didn't want to live there. I don't know how much rankings matter but that combined with the relative inexperience of the supervisor is what's holding me back from choosing school B.

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