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Newbie question regarding GRE



I had done my graduation in 2015 scored 70%, due to sick disease i wasn't able to do any job or prepare for gre. Now that my sickness is cured i want to prepare for gre and currently been preparing from 10-15 days, i've been doing maths and verbal practice. I'm weak in verbal and my maths is average. I also dont know which college and which country should i apply for as of i don't have any work experience, 1 year time gap, and no such international projects published  which college should i aim for ( i'm trying my best to score good gre scores to get in top university, if i can) and when should i write gre exam for admission in jan-feb months..

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It doesn't sound like you are ready to be thinking about graduate school just yet. You didn't tell us what field you are applying in, but in order to know what schools will be the best match for your interests, you need to sit down and seriously think about what your interests are. You also need to decide on what country you want to study in; not all schools require the GRE in the first place, so this decision should really precede any more studies. This is a personal decision and not one that anyone can make for you. Considerations that might be important: where do you want to live during your studies? where do you want to live after you graduate (pick a school that have a good placement record for the area you want to have a job in)? do you need funding (find a school that funds its students, or one with cheaper tuition/living costs if you don't expect to be fully funded)? Without any research experience, presentations, or publications, this might be a bit hard. You should also think about whether you can secure three strong letters of recommendation to support your application. If you are not at this stage just yet, a possible next step is to consider a MA at a local university, to get that extra experience that would help you define your interests and get some experience, as well as better recommendations. 

If you do plan to apply in the next cycle: you are most likely too late for Fall 2017 admissions. Deadlines are normally around December-January of the year before you plan to begin studying. So you would be submitting applications in about 10-11 months to start school in almost two years. You can take the GRE any time before the deadlines, but preferably at least a few weeks in advance so the results can be submitted in time. Since you have plenty of time, I'd suggest aiming for a summer test date -- maybe in July or August, so you can then put it behind you and concentrate on other parts of the application, or retake the exam if necessary. 

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