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Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Research


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Hello guys. 

I am international  student with no prior academic or practical experience  with UAVs.

I want looking for a potential research  topic  to discuss  with a certain  professor  but it's difficult thinking. 

I have a BS IN mechanical  Engr.

I any  ideas, any individual in this field.

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Coming up with research ideas is what academics do for a living. I don't think anyone here is in the business of giving them away to strangers, even if we could magically guess what you are interested in and trained to study from the sparse information you've provided.

Figuring this out is your main job as a student and scholar -- what questions spark your imagination? What topics do you enjoy reading about? taking classes on? Use your resources. Start by thinking about the broad types of questions that interest you, based on classes and past reading. Browse through topics that were discussed at recent major conferences in your subfield -- what topics draw your attention? Pick up the leading journal(s) and start skimming/reading papers -- what topics are you bored with, and which ones do you want to continue reading about? Once you have that much figured out, you can talk to your professor about what to do next. You don't need to have a fully formulated question yet, just some idea of what kinds of problems interest you. Get help from your professor in doing more reading and narrowing down a question/project based on these interests. 

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