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GRE Issue Essay


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Topic:Some people believe that government funding of the arts is necessary to ensure that the arts can fluorish;othersbelieve that government funding threatens the integrity of arts.


Government funding in any sector usually acts as a support and encouragement for that field. Similarly, the funding in arts can truly help them flourish and be available to all the people. If it is monitored properly, this will help enhance the quality rather than threatening its integrity.

There are many sectors blooming in a country, which, in one way or the other requires government support. Even in economically strong countries, not all the components are financially strong. There will be many such sectors that needs constant government funding. Preservation and encouragement of arts is an important field where most of the country spends a lot of time and money. Many historical components of arts have been lost with evolution and industrialization. So, help from the government is needed to help encourage such acts to preserve the local arts and in turn, help preserve the civilization. The traditional “thanka” painting which is famous in Buddhist culture has been one of the remarkable piece of art. The government of Nepal has been working very effectively to help encourage people to take the trainings for thank paintings and various government funded projects are running. There is a strict security to stop smuggling and illegal market of thanka. This small step has helped the thanka market to become stable and attracted many unemployed people. They have been able to preserve their history along with a good income.

The field of art has been left off since the industrialization.  Many historical piece of arts and culture have been lost or misused. The smuggling of historical monuments have been common in every corner of world. In such situation, this sector really needs a help from government. If strong laws are reinforced and people are encouraged to help preserve arts, they will in turn help prevent its misuse along with its promotion and preservation. If government encourages its people by increasing funds in such sectors and help improve their conditions, it will not just be beneficial for a individual but for a country as a whole. Afterall, it is said that a country’s reflection can be seen in its variation in arts and culture.

When encouraging the fundings in arts, government must ensure  the safety of its investment. To encourage arts must not be equivalent to encouraging piracy and fraud. Constant monitoring should be done to make sure that the funds are used in the correct place for correct intensions. Government should encourage the originality and should monitor them properly. Take Nepal’s earthquake rehabilitation for example. The recent earthquake destroyed thousands of ancient monuments,temples,buildings including many world heritage sites. The government encouraged many national and international help and support to reinstall the originality of those lost monuments. The world famous Boudha Stupa” is being reconstructed but the originality is preserved in every way possible. This has not just helped reinstall the lost property but it has helped preserve the integrity of civilization from thousands of years ago.

Hence, government fundings can truly help arts to flourish and prosper. With proper guidance and strict implementations, this investment can act as a strong influence and will truly help in preservation and promotions of arts in any country.

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