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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 4/1/2010 at 12:13 AM, skf2010 said:

Hello- I was on the wait list for Hindi, but I recieved notification that I got a CLS on Monday... Yay!

Hey skf2010!

Congratulations on the CLS for Hindi! I was accepted back in March!

Looks like we're gonna have a fun summer. I was hoping they'd have our itinerary or even a way for all of us to get in touch with another but alas, they have not yet!

Where are you from?


Hey! I figured it'd be helpful if I updated everyone whenever I heard things about CLS.

I got an e-mail Monday informing me of the city I'd be in for Turkish studies - Bursa. Yay! Off the beaten path, so to speak :)

Anybody else gotten any specifics like this? Included in the e-mail was an attachment with forms I had to send back, including a written letter to my future host family.


Posted (edited)


Congrats to everyone who was accepted! I got accepted to the Russian program and was recently notified of my city placement via email with a packet of information to fill out. So now I am just finishing up my visa application/letter to host family & housing preferences form - hooray! I'm really excited and can't wait to meet the other people who are going to be in my program! I just wish information wasn't trickling out so slowly.. it's agony! Although I guess since it's almost finals, I should be grateful for having less to think/stress about right now... =P

I realize this will be different for different programs, but has anyone heard anything about language testing? Just one more thing to fit into the horrendously busy weeks ahead. I'm not sure whether to expect a phone interview, a package in the mail with testing materials, an online exam, or a proctored test through my university. Any insight would be much appreciated...

Hope everyone keeps posting here as they find out more!

Edited by Jezebel

HAHAHA it's been past April 16 and still no word on CLS. I would imagine that if all the seats are taken by the 16th they should just be sending out the rejections en masse to the waitlistees? But I still haven't received anything so are they still deliberating?

By the way, being waitlisted by CLS is not fun : ( Not to complain, but 1.5 months on the hook had pretty much forced me to confirm alternate placements for my summer and I've accepted a great well-paying internship in the meantime. Thus, even if CLS comes through at this point I probably will still turn it down.

Either way, congrats on those who were accepted and best wishes for your fruitful summers ahead!


Aw Hellokitty, that sucks about not hearing back yet... I was dying just to find out if I got this in March because I just can't cope with uncertainty and it's so hard to get things lined up for the summer this late in the semester. I'm glad something else worked out for you though! But they really should be better about keeping people in the loop..

Anyway, I just got my language assessment info. A phone interview... boo!! I hate oral exams!

Does anyone know if they'll be placing intermediate and advanced speakers together? I kind of hope this is the case, since I'm in the "advanced" Russian group, but I rank my own skills as intermediate (whatever that means). Also any other people here going to Russia?

  On 3/6/2010 at 4:54 PM, llirevs said:

Have you checked today? I just looked up my status and I was accepted to the Urdu program.

So this might come as a stupid question, but where do you check online? I applied for CLEA grant for China, and Jonathan Akeley said that decisions would probably be emailed by the end of the week. I didn't realize that there was online access to your application?

  On 4/20/2010 at 6:07 PM, Weiningqi said:

So this might come as a stupid question, but where do you check online? I applied for CLEA grant for China, and Jonathan Akeley said that decisions would probably be emailed by the end of the week. I didn't realize that there was online access to your application?

You're talking about the Fulbright Critical Language enhancement, which is a different thread... :)

This is for the CLS program sponsored through the Department of State (not associated with Fulbright).

  On 4/13/2010 at 2:49 PM, nafeeza said:

Hey skf2010!

Congratulations on the CLS for Hindi! I was accepted back in March!

Looks like we're gonna have a fun summer. I was hoping they'd have our itinerary or even a way for all of us to get in touch with another but alas, they have not yet!

Where are you from?

Hello! I am so excited about this summer! I've never used an online forum like this, but do you know if there is a way to send you my email? I doubt that it is smart to just post my e-mail... I'm from Alabama, have never been to India, and don't speak/write/read a word of Hindi. This is going to be an adventure!

Congrats, and I'm excited to meet you and all of the other Hindi folks! :)

  On 4/20/2010 at 11:14 PM, Jezebel said:

You're talking about the Fulbright Critical Language enhancement, which is a different thread... :)

This is for the CLS program sponsored through the Department of State (not associated with Fulbright).

aHA--well don't I feel silly!

Thank you for clarifying! Whoops!

  • 2 weeks later...

How did everyone's oral proficiency interview go? :)

I had mine this morning. My tester was really sweet but she gave me the hardest role-play ever! The scenario was "you just ate a delicious meal at a restaurant and you realize you forgot your money...". I tried a bunch of different things like offering to work in the kitchen or trying to flirt with the cute boy at the other table to get him to pay for me but she kept shooting me down with things like "The kitchen is closed" and "he already left" so I was like... "I guess I'm going to run and you can call the police!" Hahah.. I realized in retrospect I should have asked "What do you suggest I do", but in the heat of the moment I was desperate. I hope I did okay! I had to take mine at 7am, so I had to get up at 5 to curtail sleep inertia, but I was still soooo tired. Why couldn't this wait until after finals? Oh well...

Hope everyone else's went well! Excitement is mounting as the semester winds down!

  On 4/30/2010 at 1:46 PM, Jezebel said:

How did everyone's oral proficiency interview go? :)

I had mine this morning. My tester was really sweet but she gave me the hardest role-play ever! The scenario was "you just ate a delicious meal at a restaurant and you realize you forgot your money...". I tried a bunch of different things like offering to work in the kitchen or trying to flirt with the cute boy at the other table to get him to pay for me but she kept shooting me down with things like "The kitchen is closed" and "he already left" so I was like... "I guess I'm going to run and you can call the police!" Hahah.. I realized in retrospect I should have asked "What do you suggest I do", but in the heat of the moment I was desperate. I hope I did okay! I had to take mine at 7am, so I had to get up at 5 to curtail sleep inertia, but I was still soooo tired. Why couldn't this wait until after finals? Oh well...

Hope everyone else's went well! Excitement is mounting as the semester winds down!

We totally had the same tester - she asked me the same question (for Russian also). What city are you going to?


Well I had to take my proficiency test in a language I haven't started learning yet (I'm doing beginners Turkish) so the best I could do was say "hello" and recite the Turkish alphabet for her. Embarrassing. But I had to remind myself: beginner's Turkish. I'm not *expected* to know anything yet :)

Still though, totally crappy to be tested on something you know zilch about!

Posted (edited)
  On 5/1/2010 at 12:54 AM, humblemumblings said:

We totally had the same tester - she asked me the same question (for Russian also). What city are you going to?

Haha! That's great. What did you say? :D

I'm going to Уфа. How about you?

Edited by Jezebel
  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)

Does anyone know how many people applied for (any level of, but I'm specifically interested in Beginning Urdu) last year compared to how many were accepted? Is it harder to apply as a Beginner or higher?\

For those of you who were accepted (or know someone who was), what do you think distinguished/sold you to the comm.? How familiar were you with the language? I'm panicking a bit that I might not win this even htough I've had lifelong exposure to the language and I really just want to achieve fluency already, damn it.

Edited by zetetic1
  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone who has gone through the 2010 CLS Program care to share your experiences?

I'm applying for next summer and I'm still trying to decide what language I want to apply for. I'm leaning toward Azerbaijani, Korean, and Turkish. Has anyone taken any of those languages?

  • 4 weeks later...
  On 11/21/2009 at 1:51 AM, Current Korbel Student said:

Just curious - is anyone else applying for this scholarship and if so - in what language? I will be submitting my application soon for the beginning Turkish language scholarship.

Hey I'm curious did you end up getting it? If so, what was your experience like? I just sent out my app. for beginner's Turkish as well and am curious about the experience

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 11/17/2010 at 6:41 PM, zetetic1 said:

Let's discuss the 2011 CLS! What language + level did you apply for?

Sounds great, I'm curious what other people are hoping for.

I applied for Advanced Chinese. Fingers crossed!

  • 3 weeks later...

I won a CLS in 2009 for Amman, Jordan---advanced Arabic. I was initially waitlisted. I also received the nod from Middlebury (without funding). But at the last minute the waitlist came through. Anyone out there applying in Arabic?

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/12/2010 at 7:41 PM, cami215 said:

I won a CLS in 2009 for Amman, Jordan---advanced Arabic. I was initially waitlisted. I also received the nod from Middlebury (without funding). But at the last minute the waitlist came through. Anyone out there applying in Arabic?

I am!! I applied for intermediate Arabic. How did you like Jordan?


I enjoyed it a lot. The work was not easy but I learned an enormous amount. I think it also gave me a foot up on later getting into CASA.


I applied for beginning Hindi! Anyone have any experience with that program? Know the acceptance rates/popularity? I REALLY need this for my dissertation research in Anthropology AND my program requires that we spend 3 months this summer abroad doing language learning/prelim research... and we are not funded. **Fingers crossed!

  On 12/12/2010 at 7:41 PM, cami215 said:

I won a CLS in 2009 for Amman, Jordan---advanced Arabic. I was initially waitlisted. I also received the nod from Middlebury (without funding). But at the last minute the waitlist came through. Anyone out there applying in Arabic?

Yeah, I applied for advanced Arabic in 2010's cycle.

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