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School asked for status update?



So basically I've declined all my offers except one (Program A), but am on the wait list for another program (Program B ) that I would rather go to if I get off the wait list before April 15. 
I've decided that I'm going to Program A unless I get off of Program B's wait list.

I just received an email from my POI at Program A (whom I have been in contact with over the course of the last month) asking for a status update on my decision.

My question is - should I be honest and tell him exactly what is going on (that I'm waiting to see what happens with Program B's wait list) or either make up some innocuous reason or give a vague "I'm waiting for some things to fall into place" answer?

I definitely don't want to offend/upset in any way as I'm 90% sure I'm going to be spending the next 5-7 years there................


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I would recommend telling them the truth, that you're waiting to hear back from a school you're waitlisted at. However, if you're reluctant to do this, maybe you can inquire with Program B how much of a chance you really have at getting off the waitlist and when you can expect to hear. Then based on what they say, tell Program A what's going on. 

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I wanted to post a bit of an update on this - I took your advice and emailed the people over at Program B and they said that they should be getting back to me shortly after April 1 and that they "admit students off of the wait list every year" etc etc. 

I also got in contact with a trusted advisor from my undergrad institution (who has dealt with grad admissions at my undergrad university) and asked him what he thought I should do given my new info, and he said to not be too specific lest it become clear that they're my second choice.

In the end I basically gave the vague answer but indicated that I would let them know next week, so they know what to expect from me. The email back from my POI at Program A was kind and he seemed OK with what I said! So thank you for your help!!

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