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A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college.




Learning in its basic nature is dynamic. Different students have different preferred learning mediums, assimilate knowledge at different rates and understand similar concepts through different perspectives. This shows that a standard system is inimical to the students both in the short and long term.




A standard curriculum makes the faulty assumption that all students are alike in every single way. That they grew up in similar environments, had similar influences as children and as such developed in the same way. This we all know is not true as the average high school class is an amalgam of different perspectives that can be attributed to the different upbringings of the students. This has a direct or indirect effect on the way the students assimilate knowledge. Some kids might be better with speech based assimilation while others are better with a visual based method. A standard system does not take this into account and as such this would favour certain students more than others.




A dynamic curriculum that is designed to fit each student's strengths in terms of subject matter studied and also will help students to develop their latent talents and skills that otherwise would be stifled by a standard curriculum. We all know how important diversity is to the success of any society and as such we need to appreciate the need to promote diversity even in the school curriculum as this would have a domino effect down the timeline on the level of diversity and strength of the society that such a system would produce. Often, we hear of people who discover at a later age what their natural passion in life is. These people have spent years and money chasing a career and life that was not a natural fit for them. Imagine the missed opportunities that have been accumulated as a result. A dynamic curriculum might not end such from happening but it will go a long way in assisting people discover themselves earlier so they can identify their place in society and begin to impact their environment positively as early as they can.




One thing that I understand makes a dynamic curriculum difficult to implement before college education is that it will be very expensive to implement, would take more time and also will limit the amount of knowledge the average student would have. Nevertheless, specialization has always been necessary for life to flourish. Not all ants in an ant colony will be workers or queens. Not all will protect the rest or produce the next generation. They all have specialized tasks that they perform for the rest of their lives and humanity should endeavour to replicate a similar appreciation for the latent differences in people.


Despite the many pros for a standard curriculum for students before tertiary education, a dynamic curriculum will engender diversity much earlier and as such will produce a stronger and better society in the long term


Edited by jayghandi
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