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Please help me edit my gre essay, written in 30 minutes

Dixie A.

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Knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today.


Knowing the past has a very important role to play in making important decisions. Giving the fact that there is a whole subject, History being thought in schools, people majoring in that field goes a long way to show this fact. We as humans make important life choices including career choices, personal relationship, and even the world a whole.

Many people in society make important career choices depending on what has been or not been beneficial in the past. Many students go to school or enroll in certain programs or degrees depending on how much availability of jobs are out there. For example, in the medical field going into a nursing career improves your chances of getting a job upon graduation.

  Also, taking how human beings take personal relationships very seriously is an important point to discuss here when it comes into play about knowing about someone’s past, where they have been, what they have accomplished in their lives, and their upbringings. People tend to think that a lot of what we have done in the past has an important role towards what we are going to be in the future. For example, a partner might be reluctant to marry or carry on a relationship with another partner because they might have not been faithful or might have committed a crime in the past.

    Looking more into relationships on a broader role; countries have to look at the past to make important decisions when it comes to international relationships or maybe even relationships within different states in that country. Different events have shaped how countries carry out businesses, trades, and agreements with other countries. Such as the world wars that have happened and the rivalries that exist between different nations. The president of the United States of America recently made an important decision to visit Cuba despite the controversy that exists between the two countries to make peace with that country and it’s president.

      People make important decisions in their lives depending on their past experiences. For instance a child seeing her mother on a dying bed decides to be a nurse or a doctor or just someone helping other people in times of their needs. A man or woman being wrongfully convicted gets exonerated and then decides to become a lawyer to prevent that from happening to other innocent people. Currently people have taken important decisions in running for presidency claiming that the united States of America is not how it used to be as our forefathers had left it, with our country now in debt, terrorists invading the country, and trade relations are making us loose income. 

   Furthermore, we carry on our daily live activities with certain rules in place. We have constitutional policies that govern our very day to day activities. They rules that were placed generations ago, help decide our future. In this country people make free speeches. A lawyer or judge is able to rule but not go against the laws of the land that have already been put in place. Also, people live their lives and believing in the bible some might consider is a set of rules or laws to live by. One might decide to live and abide by the ten commandments day to day because they know in the past there was a man by the name of Jesus came and saved us and will come back to save us all.

  In conclusion, a lot of events in the past shape and direct us in making important decisions in our lives. Though sometimes people live spontaneously and take one day at a time which helps in creating newer and surprising ideas, knowing the past helps give you a better direction in life.

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