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Playing with my heart?!

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I had an on-campus interview last month for one of my dream schools. Since then I've been emailing my POI back and forth about potential project topics and even had a Skype convo about it a week and a half ago. Multiple times (via email and over Skype) the professor implied that he was interested in moving forward with my application and having me join the lab. He went so far to ask (via email and Skype), "So you are coming to X University?" to which I replied "I have not received an offer from the program yet, but if I were accepted to your lab, I definitely would" to which he replied "ok great." 

Since then I haven't heard anything. I emailed the POI a week ago and then over the weekend to follow up on our convo, thank him for his time, and remind him the April 15 deadline is quickly approaching. There has been no response to either. Would it be out of place to call his office to get a clear answer? I should probably take the hint from the ignored emails that this isn't going to happen, but I'd rather get a clear negative response than have to accept being ignored. This POI is my top choice of all the ones I've interviewed with (over 20) and I'd still happily accept a position in his lab. 

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