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Online Pre-reqs !!

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If I start taking online pre-reqs this fall (2016) will I be able to apply to apply to grad programs for fall 2017 or do I need to complete all the pre-reqs first before I apply? 

I hope this makes sense. I'm psych major and looking to enter into this field so I feel a little lost. I guess I'm just worried that I won't have enough classes under my belt by the time the application period opens for fall of 2017 and that might affect my chances. 


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I only had one prereq done when I applied. I got into a few schools, but at least half had a leveling track. If you have no interest in a leveling track, I might at least try to finish 4 or 5 before applying. I am in three classes now and take five in the spring. You need to look for programs that are ok with you finishing before you begin the program, not at time of application. If I could have finished more before applying, I would have!

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I think it really depends on the school you apply to. 

I'm starting my post-bac this summer, which means I'll have finished 2 semesters or 6 courses by the time the winter application deadline rolls around. For the schools I'm applying to, that should be enough for them to evaluate me, I hope. Fingers crossed I'll be accepted and able to start somewhere in Fall of 2017.

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I took online prerequisites starting last fall (2015) and applied for graduate schools that same semester. Some of the programs had three-year tracks, but most did not. I'm finishing up the last two courses this summer. All of the programs I applied to were okay with the fact that I'm currently in leveling courses. I just made sure to send in my transcripts as soon as they were available last semester, which ended up being before the deadline for most of the programs. I'm my opinion, I think programs like to see individuals who take the initiative to complete courses before/ while applying :) It certainly makes you more competitive when so many applicants have a CSD undergraduate background. 

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