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To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities.

Society is a group of people living together in a community. Community yields the overall idea of culture, the life style. People belong to several religions, races, speak various languages, have different cultures, customs etc. People can also be categorized on the basis of income(rich, middle class and poor), the way of living (how they live, where they live, the facilities and comforts etc.). And to get better idea of a community, one must study its major cities. 

Major cities are generally more developed than rural areas, suburbs etc. Major cities constitute important part in a state regarding economy, technology and other developments. These cities constitute of mainly topnotch class. Because more the development, more the income. Because of money, facilities and comforts (like better transportation, better education, better hospitals, malls and shops etc.), a lot of people prefer to live in big cities to make their lives better. They not only get better things but get many options as well. Because of above reasons, it is easier to get a lot of information about major cities via internet, people etc. Also it is easier to go and quest these big cities because of better facilities like transportation, food, hotels etc. Let us take the example of one feature like religious institutions. If a small city has communities that have churches, it means most of the people are Christians or church goers or if a small city has mosques, it means most of the people are muslims. Major cities will have other religious institutions as well so that people belong to different religions of nearby places can visit as it is understood that major cities have more facilities and options as compare to small cities. 

On the other hand, we can say it is not necessary that, to figure out the important features of a society, one must have knowledge about its important cities. Because minor places like suburbs etc. can have most important features to know about society like memorials, culture and customs, museums, life style, architecture etc. This point can also be considered that most important features of a society can be scattered widely instead of getting clustered in few areas. 

Generally, we may consider minor cities like suburbs etc. are the subsets of major cities i.e. major cities contain common features of small cities and other features as well. Hence it can be concluded that major cities play vital role in knowing most important features of a society. 






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