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The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.


Some people think that the best way of imparting knowledge and teaching is to praise the positive actions and ignore the negative actions. While this method is good and efficient but at the same time it is also crucial that the learners should also become aware of the world around them for the world is a mixture of bad as well as good. So I think that it is the responsibility of the parents, teachers and elders to teach all the aspects of life i.e. both positive and negative.

First of all if we take into consideration the case of a small child then we know that the entire world a new place for them and everything is unknown to them. Children are the most curious minds and it is the surrounding from which they learn about new things. It is the responsibility of the parents to look after the children. We know that a house is the first school for a child and it is their parents, who teach them to differentiate between good and bad. If someone knows about only good things and no bad things then that person wont be able to cope up with the world. A child will not be aware of the world surrounding it.

Again if we look into the Indian history we can know about the famous poet Balmiki. He was a dacoit in his early life. He engaged in many negative works. But from that phase of life he became one of the most celebrated poets of all time. His life completely changed. And this was possible for he was aware of his wrong doings and it is from those wrong doings he learnt to be a good human being. He learnt to behave in a positive way only after committing negative actions.

A teacher is a friend, a philosopher and a guide for a student. A teacher  should not only teach the student to be good in studies but to be a good human being and for being a good human being a student must  know about positive as well as negative things. A teacher must always stress on the positive actions but at the same time they must also tell students about the negative things so that they can have a better understanding and clarity about the world.  

On the other hand one must also keep one thing in mind that negative actions many a times have a stronger effect on us than the positive actions. A child may be affected by such negative things adversely but again it is the responsibility of the parents and the teachers to help the child come out from such situations.

To conclude I would like to say that cognizance about the entire world is a need for the development and it is through both positive and negative actions one can understand well. So teaching should essentially rely on praising positive actions but complete ignorance of the negative actions must also be avoided.

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