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please grade my essay(it's short), GRE AWA,scale 1-6 of 0.5 units

shri hari

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 Analysis of Argument 

The following was used as part of an internet advertising company\'s appeal to businesses: Furniture Depot employed our internet advertising company to help. Since then its sales increased by 10% over last year\'s totals. Furniture Depot\'s success demonstrates how using our internet services can increase your profitability. 

Describe how well reasoned you find this argument. In the discussion be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument. For example, you may need to consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and what alternative explanations or counterexamples might weaken the argument\'s conclusion. You may also address possible changes in the argument that would make it more logically sound, and what, if anything, would help you better evaluate its conclusion. 


Advertisement using internet is an very effective tool to reach out maximum consumers. Internet 
advertisements are now exacting due to nations do get into digital world to catch up the economy.
With growing competitions, advertisements do play a significant role.
Growth in sales can be due to change in economy policies letting people spend more, better 
improvement of products and services, dominance in the market, getting monopoly or close to it on 
the product in the market. Advertisement alone can be the X-factor to come up such an increase in 
sales assuming the other above mentioned elements to be same or similar. But that being the sole 
reason to affect the sales positively would be wrong.
With the internet services, employees could get time to think over the strategies to get better 
results in sales as internet reaches to maximum. Because of the lesser load on team to advertise 
which were working on advertisement,number of employees could be reduced leading to save 
money.Thus to abstain from the fact that internet can alone increase the sales would be 
The mentioned argument would be acceptable if the elements like economic policies, 
availability of other market players and services provided by company would have been same as 

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