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Munificent souls please provide me with feedback on my writing skill (GRE- Argument writing)

Ravi Poudel

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The following advice was given to a politician by his political consultant: It is true that 200 apartment renters protested in the rain about the elimination of rent control regulation. However, there are 20,000 renters in the entire city. 19,800 of them stayed home and did not protest. The group that did not protest is much larger and better represents the opinion of renters throughout the city: that the elimination of rent control is not a problem. You should not let the small protest discourage you. 

Describe how well reasoned you find this argument. In the discussion be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument. For example, you may need to consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and what alternative explanations or counterexamples might weaken the argument\'s conclusion. You may also address possible changes in the argument that would make it more logically sound, and what, if anything, would help you better evaluate its conclusion. 

The data presented in the given argument though strongly supports the conclusion of the 
argument but to consider the protest of 200 renting families as a futile activity can not be 
considered genuine. We can not solely rely on the data provided by the consultant since the 
present circumstances where many political parties and politicians are grabbed by the disgracing 
bribery and corruption. There is a place to question the truthfulness of the data provided by the 
political consultant. 
There are also other issues overlooked in the argument above. The argument only explains about 
the number of protesters but does not give any clue on the day the protest was carried out. It would 
be obvious that less number of people will join the protest if it was held on the office hours. 
This argument assumes that the people not joining the protest have no issues with the rent control 
regulations. There will always be plenty of general people who don't want to join the protest 
because they have never been on such situations before or they are too docile to protest against 
the authority and law. 
Had there been more information about the day the protest held and the consultants character 
unquestionable, the argument would sound more logical. 

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