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Can anybody help me critique this issue and estimate how much marks I can fetch on GRE with this.

Issue:  Technology, while apparently aimed to simplify our lives, only makes our lives more complicated.


Technology has evolved immensely with time. In today's world we are all surrounded and tangled up by technology. From waking up in the morning to an alarm to sleeping off by putting our cellphones aside, we are living our lives fully dependent on technology. The statement states that technology has only complicated our lives rather than simplifying them. I would like to disagree with the statement. Technology has its pros and cons but its pros definitely outweigh its cons. Let's imagine a world where we would still have to write a letter to send a message to someone. Things would turn worse if the recipient lives in another country. It would takes days to months to reach. Techhnology has solved the problem of distant communication and has made our lives so much simpler and easier. Not only that we can send our messages to any part of the world but we can do video calls, send photographs and be connected like never before. Technology has proven to be beneficial in almost all arenas, be it be for professional purposes, commercial purposes or personal purposes. Our lives have been intertwined with technology. Nobody wants to imagine their lives without their cellphones, cars and most importantly internet. I believe internet is an integral part in human development. It makes us more aware and informative. Internet is the best source to know anything that has been done, is still going on or is an upcoming event. With increase dependence on internet, there has been tremendous growth of web applications. Now one doesn't have to worry about getting their things done. You don't feel like making food - you have a webapp to order food. You don't want to go shopping- you can do it online. One can do almost anything and everything on internet these days. However, I do agree that technology can have a lot of negative effects too and can complicate our lives. Technology can be evil depending on how it is be used. As technology can be used to construct as well as destruct human lives. Development of arms and nucler weapons on one hand proves to be beneficial for the protection and safety of humans but on the other hand can be misused by terrorists to extirpate human life. Therefore, I believe that technology has both its boon and bane which on one hand can simplify our lives and on the other hand can prove to be harmful. Every technological advancement comes with its consequences which needs to be measured, evaluated and controlled. If the ramifications of technology can be contorlled then no technology can prove to hamper human life but only simplify and makes it easier.

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