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need honest feedback on this issue essay . its for gre


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Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carry out the will of the people they serve.


Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.

my response :
        As we all know that "government is for the people , by the people and of the people " , suggestions from people should be welcomed by the government but only to a certain extent . Unquestioningly  taking suggestions may lead to more conflicts and confusion rather than having a possitive effect . Government functions to serve the people, but blindly following a suggestion will lead to partiality between different groups as a country or state may have different religions and cultures.

      Furthermore, the suggestions given may vary with each person which results in confusion and conflict . If a government has to take a decision suggested by two different groups without analysing it , the judgement given may suppress one group and support another . For instance , if a decision is to be made that a certain piece of land doesnot belong to a temple which actually was a waterbody once which now requires attention , and the people suggest to take appropriate action for conservation of the waterbody , may result in protesting of the temple officials . Instead folllowing a bling suggestion,  the  government should have analysed the content on both sides to have proper insight .

     If you think about it , it will be wise for the government to make judgements considering the suggestions and not fully relying on it . For example if the citizens make a suggestion about measures to reduce mosquitoe menance , the government should make an abstract on the positives and negatives on the stated one's . some sugestions may enhance to solve the issue and some may have no positive efect or cause more problem than doing any good . So , proper analysis about the suggestions are mandatory .

     However, even if the government takes decisions that is againt the people , this again raises a problem . For instance , a government passes a bill to clean all parks of the city rejecting the suggestions of the people which was cleaning major waterbodies of the city . This contrasting judgement made by the government will provoke the anger of the citizens . If the government had considered the suggestions and made compromising insight between the two issues , the judgement would be appreciated .

      Decisions made by the government clearly relys on what the topic is about and it may or maynot consider the suggestions of the people . however , for a proper government structure , considering the suggestions of the people but also analysing about the subject will be the wisest approach  .

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