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AWA Issue review

Amit Kalita

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Young people should be encouraged to pursue long-term, realistic goals rather than seek immediate fame and recognition.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the stateament might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Fame and recognition are consequences of actions or works done at par from the existing ones. It is something that’s needed to be earned through hard work. But prior to beginning the work, it is necessary for one to set up clear goals and work to achieve those goals. Hence working on goals will help one achieve success and at the same time it may contribute to well being of the society.

Youngsters in their enthusiasm and impatience for getting fame and recognition may get themselves indulged in activities which might morally degrade their own character or might affect the society in negative manner. Encouraging them to set up a particular goal will keep them focused and at the same time they can make significant contribution in specific fields varying from science, arts to economics etc. In the long run, their contribution might also help in development of society. For instance, development of special techniques to cure cancer or other harmful diseases will be a boon for the whole mankind.

 Along with goal setting, a well organized plan is further a necessity to achieve the goal. Planning and execution will require dedicated and disciplined approach, thus inculcating these important values among youngsters. A goal set up to learn computer programming within a few months for instance, need to be supported with proper planning. These may include first listing out different programming languages to be learnt and then setting a time period to learn each of them. While learning, values like time management, patience etc. will be developed within them which will be helpful in the long career.

Long term goals may be related to something of social importance like goal to clean the surroundings of the community or may even be personal goals related to career or self development. When one realises one’s goal in life and works all to achieve it, he will reach the zenith of his work. People like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerburg, all of them had a clear goal in their mind. They had plans for it which they executed properly and they are not only successful but have recognition not only in the silicon valley but in every household and in the electronics market.

Hence, before yearning for fame and recognition, one should ravenously work and put effort to achieve one’s goal. With meticulous planning of work, one will achieve success and this success in the long run will make them famous. So instead of seeking instant fame, young people should be encouraged to set up long term realistic goals and further they should be encouraged to organize their plans to achieve their goals. Everything else will follow.   



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