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How do I put my double major on the application page-together or separate?


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Hi! So I am applying for a master's degree, just putting together my personal information on the application pages right now. 

Since I double majored education and business, I got two degrees (Bachelor of Arts & Bachelor of Business Administration) along with two graduation certificates etc. 

So I was wondering if I should add my college two times with each degree or if I could put them together as in the attached file! 

I've only attended one college fyi. :) 


Your answer is much appreciated! 


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Ugh...I hate this too. I was a triple major with two diplomas (two of them counted as one degree) and got two simultaneous master's to boot, and I've struggled with this on every application. So far, I've been varying my approach depending on what the instructions are. Most of the time I've been listing each degree separately because they each have a different name, but if the application allows it, I only upload one of each transcript. If they specifically ask to list each school (and don't specify the degree) and has enough space for me to write all my majors, then I sometimes just list it once per school. I don't know if this is the correct way, but it's the way I've been doing it.

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