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Sample Issue Task for GRE AWA

Metaya Tilahun

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Nations should pass laws to preserve any remaining wilderness areas in their natural state, even if these areas could be developed for economic gain.

Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.

The following was my response; if any one can help me better prepare it would be wonderful. Thank you.


Today the majority of the world’s population are misinformed about the gravity of our climate situation. This issue is directly affecting our daily lives and we have seen its devastating results first hand. The wilderness of different nations is what are keeping the balance of our frail climate in check; and they – even at the expense of economic advancement -  deserve protection with diligence and urgency.

 True most nations are reluctant to pass laws that would preserve the wilderness at the expense of economic gain. But we much ask ourselves – is the loss of our ecosystem – which will defiantly lead to the collapse of our climate -  worth economic gain? If nation do not mobilize to preserve what little is left of the wilderness; it will cause a catastrophic disruption to our ecosystems and in turn to the climate. It is not a big secret that when we cut down trees at the alarming rate with which it has been conducted in the past few decades -  enough to have reduces the Amazon forest’s density by a considerable amount – for what some might call “economic gain”; we are exterminating the very thing that is protecting our atmosphere from being consumed by greenhouse gases.  

We also have to take into consideration – even if not as devastating as the changes to the climate; the domino effect it will have on- yes- the economy. Take the recently extinct coral reef; because nations did not do enough to protect this reef from dyeing – the multitude of species that called it home are now left in peril. This will cause any other species that relies on this organism as their food soured to go else were to look for sustenance. The cycle continues when the bigger fish leave their natural habitats in search of food; when the fisherman who relied on these fish to provide for his family and the list continues. With is progression we can now get a glimpse of the unwarranted effect on the economy that would also occur. See, the fisher man who is not now able to fuel the fishing industry is creating a burden on the economy of the nation in question.

I believe that the laws that are being passed now should take into - heavy consideration, the direct results of these decision for the future generations. The effects of not preserving the wilderness might not be seen firsthand by those who make them; yet that does not change the fact that they are happening and we should fight for the future of all humanity; within the ream of both the climate and the economy.


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