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Grad school biomedical engineering USA

Biomed aspiree



I have an undergrad degree in physiology with a gpa of 2.2 in Canada.  However in some key subjects during my undergrad my grades were:

Calculus: B-

Organic Chemistry I - B-

Organic Chemistry II - B

Medicinal Chemistry - B

Physics - B

General Biology I - A-

General Biology II - A

General Chemistry - B-

I am currently doing biomedical engineering technology at a junior college and have completed 64 credit hours with a GPA of 3.8.  I plan to complete approx 90 credit hours by the end of 2017 maintaining the same GPA.  I retook physiology and microbiology at junior college and scored A's and A+ grades.  I also scored A's and A+ grades in electronic devices, electric circuits, digital electronics, medical signal processing and mathematics.

Work Experience:

4 months summer student technician working for a telecommunication company with fiber optic networks

8 months internship at a hospital - biomedical engineering.

1 year work experience as a Teaching Assistant for Electronics courses.


What are my chances of an online masters biomedical engineering in the US?



Edited by Biomed aspiree
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