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Should I send a follow-up email to potential advisor after submitting application?



I had an informal Skype interview with a potential advisor back in December. Before then, they basically said they would let me know if it was worth my time to apply for their lab or not (and pay the app fee). We had a couple of follow-up emails and they referred me to a couple of current students with whom I spoke to over Skype, email and phone. In January I received this email from my potential advisor: 


"Hi XXX, 

"Current student"  told me today that you guys had a chance to chat about the PhD experience at the Univeristy of XX. If you liked what you heard, then I’m going to encourage you to apply. I think your goals fit really well with what our PhD program offers, and I enjoyed reading your paper about mockingbird behavior. If you submit all required application material before March 1, then the XXX graduate school and the biology grad committee will review them and consider you for both admission and financial support through a Teaching Assistantship.


Please let me know if you have more questions for me before you decide to apply. I’m happy to provide any information that I can.


I hope you enjoyed the holidays. Happy New Year!"


I replied to this email letting them know I had begun my application and thanked them for their help in the process. I completed my application in January but it isn't due until March 1st. I know that if a professor wants to work with a student, graduate committees will look more favorably upon their application. So, should I send my potential advisor a follow-up email to let them know that my application is complete and remind them that I'm still alive and that their lab and program are my first choice? Or is that too much? I just don't want to be forgotten and I don't want to read too much into/rely on the positive email that they sent. 


If I don't send an email, it will be two months of going without contact before the application deadline. Is this ok?  


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2 answers to this question

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Yes, since you have had good dialogue about your application, it's not a bad idea to just email the prof to say something like thanks again for your time and to let them know that your application is now submitted. You should not expect a response (so don't feel bad if they just acknowledge it without replying). You might want to also email the students you talked to and thank them for their time. I'm not saying this to improve your admission chances (although sometimes students are involved in decisions) but just to be a nice person. I know that as a current grad student, I sometimes get emails about the program from interested applicants and it's nice when someone follows up :)

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