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this may be a stupid question about the interview


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I got invited to an interview to a school that works on the mentor-student system. I listed a couple of different POIs I wanted to work with in my SOP, and now that I'm going to interview, I have no idea who in particular wanted to interview me. The interview invite came from the department secretary and I'm trying to prepare for both professors, but it would be nice to know which prof. wanted me in his/her lab. Any help?

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Do you think that you may be meeting with more than one professor to gauge if you would be a good fit for their lab?

Well, when I first got my invite, it said I would be meeting with a few different professors in the department, so I wasn't sure who to expect. I'll definitely ask the grad secretary.

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Ask the secretary - they generally know the schedule and do not have a problem telling you. You will interview with the professors you mentioned in your app, as well as any others who are trolling for new students and liked your background. In general, you will be interviewed only by those taking on students, but you may be interviewed by some without RA funding - requiring a TA or fellowship f you want to work with them.

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