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visual anthropology and the decision?


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Now, I have got three admissions from USC, San Francisco State University and Chico State. The USC's degree is MA in visual anthropology and the others are MA in anthropology but has the specialty in visual media. USC's program is one year plus a summer film workshop. The courses are mainly focusing on documentary filmmaking. The other two schools are two-year programs, first year design of the general basis in anthropology theories, then the second year in visual direction.

It seems that USC has a better reputation in this field than the others. USC is definitely more expensive, but an only one-year program. During all programs, the professor, probably the future mentor, in SFSU shows the biggest interested in me, we have many discussions through email.

I am an international student. After the study, I am planning to find a job at Sates in the related field and I have no interest in purchasing PhD to go deeper in the academic community. LA and San Francisco are big cities. Chico is a small town. By the way, I checked the school welcoming video on youtube, and SFSU building is all new and today's style, seems quite boring.

Does anyone know more about visual anthropology and these three schools? Appreciate any your suggestions and idea.

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Is your top priority finding a job in the States after graduation? If so, then I'd pose that question directly to USC and SF state and see which program has a better track record in getting international students jobs. My sense is that it is really, really, really hard for international students without technical training to find decent employment, so you might also inquire about OPT/CPT opportunities as well. 

USC definitely has a better overall reputation than SFSU, but I worry that one year might not be long enough for you to build sufficient connections to find employment afterward. 

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Thank you for your comments! Big city schools are better for chasing a job. USC's program is very practical and courses are designed for the job market. Now I am more intended to accept the admission from USC, but as you said one year is so short to build a solid foundation.

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