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GRE essay issue task, pls read and grade


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As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate. 

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree etc...

One might argue that technology has resulted in more people with passive lifestyle and thinking because that is what convenience often compromises. At one click on the computer, food is delivered to your door, tickets are booked and mails are sent across the continent. People might become lazy to put effort in doing something as in the old days when you had to go outside and buy food, queued to get tickets and waited for days to receive letters. 

However, I believe that technology does not impede human’s ability to think. In fact, it revolutionizes the way we think. Technological revolution frees human from simple tasks that can be done quickly with inventions and allows more mental space for creativity to develops. 

For example, steam-operated engine can be considered as the second wave of industrial revolution which lays the foundation for cars and rail travel. The society never became lazy after the invention of non-manpowered vehicles. On the contrary, they utilized the faster transportation to excel in various aspects such as textile industry which previously relied on tired and expensive mules for trading. In addition, human switched to construct steam-powered factories which can be localised anywhere independent of wind and water natural source. This eventually led to the expansion of industrialization and increased food production thanks to indefatigable machines. 

Incipient technology set human free from food shortage and limited transportation which only encourages human to become even more creative and not less. The proof is in the emergence of the third wave of revolution - information technology. After the second wave of steam-operated engine, people were now less worried about hunger so more time could be dedicated to dream and create. As we can all witness nowadays, human definitely have dreamed of even faster transportation and wider connection with the invention of computer and the internet. 

These two creations marked the third revolutionary wave which have dramatically changed the way human think. We are no longer separated by geography thanks to video calls and social media. The Earth was once a huge place for our species suddenly become much smaller that fits perfectly on the tiny screen of each individual’s smartphone. While some people might find themselves in a couch potato lifestyle, more people are dreaming and working hard for new challenges: the Mars colonisation mission, artificial intelligence, green energy to replace non-renewable resources and new diseases such as Ebola. With global effort allowed by worldwide internet connection and technology, human are moving closer to the fourth wave of revolution. There are constantly new ideas and research initiation emerging everyday and technology is the right-hand man for human to realise those dreams. It is human’s nature to explore and think tirelessly and technology never diminishes but rather aids in the process. 


Thank you for your time. Any feedback is appreciated. 

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