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should I RETAKE the GRE?


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Hi everyone,

I just took the GRE today and received the following scores:

V 160 (86th percentile)

Q 164 (87th percentile)

This is only the unofficial scores and I'm still waiting for AW.

I am applying for MPP/MIA/MPA programs this fall. My targeted schools are: Columbia SIPA, Berkeley Goldman, NYU Wagner, HKS, Chicago Harris, Duke Sanford, Georgetown McCourt.

As for the rest of my application:

graduated from a good liberal arts college in 2016 (Economics and International Development)

GPA 3.83,

studied abroad at Oxford University

pretty good recommendations

Languages: English, Mandarin Chinese, and Spanish

Quantitative courses: intermediate Macro & Micro, Calculus II, and Quantitative Econ

I had a few internships during college and now a one-year full-time work experience in NGO. I'm moving to Peru to work at another NGO this October so by the time the program starts in 2018 fall, I'll have two years experience.


I'm a bit concerned about my score since 1) neither V nor Q is above 90th percentile; 2) I hope to receive some forms of scholarship to help finance the school, so I'm not sure if my scores are competitive enough or should I retake the GRE to aim for 90th percentile on both V and Q.  



Edited by Yixuan5511
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