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Summary of an article for Gre


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Hello! I am preparing for GRe and I ma using Magoosh. I am supposed to read articles and then summarize them for my writing section the the GRe. As i have no one to critique them for me I thought I'll use this platform and there might be somebody to help me out and critique my summaries. the summary is from an article from 'nytimes.com' Here we go:

'Presdient Trump's visit to Puerto Rico'

During President Trump’s visit to the storm ravaged island of American territory Puerto Rico, he greeted the victims over there and encouraged them that they were lucky as the death toll was only 16 compared to the thousands after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 which was a real catastrophe.

After the president left on Tuesday governor Rosollo told the news that the death toll had risen to 34. Other than the sad comparison of the death tolls, President Trump’s tour had been successful; a pep rally like briefing with officials on the aircraft hangar, visiting the areas affected by the storm and brief friendly encounter with the victims. This visit had it’s own peculiar moment, when president Trump tossed paper towels to the victims.

This time President Trump landed in a different kind of turbulence. He was criticized earlier by mayor Ms. Cruz for neglecting Puerto Rico where he lashed out on her on his twitter account. Even during his visit he met Ms. Cruz but didn’t invite her to speak instead recognized Mr. Rosollo who he said ‘didn’t play politics’. Ms. Cruz was not mollified by his visit.

President Trump said “I hate to tell you that Puerto Rico but you guys have thrown us out of whack”. Puerto Rico had a debt of $74 billion before the hurricane. He also criticized Puerto Ricans by saying that they need to help themselves more than only relying on our help. We’ve cleared the ways and communications but still their truck drivers aren’t doing their job and are not delivering the supplies.

President Trump raged the anger of Puerto Ricans by criticizing them. Some Puerto Ricans criticized Trump’s visit while others were just happy to be a midst the president and appreciated his support. There were some who didn’t care what the President said or didn’t say, they are just concerned about the reconstruction of the island and their own precarious situation.

Even on his return President Trump was emphasizing more on the government’s performance than on the plight of the victims. He said that we did as good and efficiently in Puerto Rico as in Texas and Florida.


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