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    2013 Fall
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bilphilking's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. @ MPPgal - relax. It's just a couple of knuckle heads that's still doesn't know how to play nice with others talking. LBJ is a very collegial environment, despite the immaturity of some of the students it admits. Hope you are not one of them. @jtow & @whatwhatinthe you may think the anonymity of the Internet allows you to say anything you pls, but I wonder if you would say that directly to "the international guy" in person or the guy he was talking to then when you were being "annoyed"? I bet you it's because you might get come off as "not-so-nice" for saying stuff like that that you didn't, right? And what if the international guy is on this forum and he might know who you are? Opppps. Cat's out of the bag now... For your information: I was the other guy the "international guy" was talking to and I thought he wasn't bad at all. If fact, I like the guy. I hope he comes to LBJ. I thought he was considerate and nice. We were chatting about this forum and glad to finally get to meet each other. And the info being put out wasn't going to end your world if you missed anything (was it?) Sure we were rude for talking during the presentation, I will give you that. For that I apologize for both of us. But did it turned you off that much to you had to bad mouth a future classmate on here? And how will that look to future applicants? And @whatwhatinthe let's not fool ourselves with your talk of selflessness in public policy pursuits. We are all selfish in one manner or another. Let's not use that to "attack" another person anonymously. I end with this thought: Everybody is held accountable for what they say in the public realm, so pls don't think you can hide behind this veil of anonymity. I'm Allan Aw, MGPS in the Fall of 2013. You got a problem, then come discuss it with me (or whoever you got a problem with) and resolve it together. No need to be mean-spirited. Don't embarrass your school, or yourself. Be cool. We are here to support each other.
  2. Hi all, Been lurking this thread for awhile - finally decided to join in on the conversation. I'm going to the 8th April admit day, anybody else? FrenchO and MPPgal - I think full tuition + 14K stipend + one of the hippest, youngest, and dynamic city in the U.S. is hands down a no-brainer. Looking at value proposition alone: as international students, tuition can get extremely expensive. I have experienced that vicariously. IF you can get a free one, go for it (unless in the case of a JD or MBA where attending a top tier school MAY still provide a good value proposition). You all should serious consider visiting if there's any doubt in your mind - it'll be worth investing and making an informed decision on where you want to spend your next two years. I'll commit after attending admit day, but my real purpose of attending is to visit friends and apartment shopping. PM me if you wonder why so many people love Austin or a biased opinion on why LBJ over all the other schools you got in - REALLY. I'm on a full ride (not b/c of LBJ) + $24K fellowship from LBJ (MGPS). I'm taking it and running with it like I stole something.
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