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    Knoxville, TN
  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
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Decaf (2/10)



  1. HNV721: There doesn't seem to be too many of us on here! I actually graduated with my M.A. in history from UTK in Spring of 2013. After being mentally exhausted from my work on the M.A. thesis, I decided to take a retail job to flex my social skills (which was really nice for a while). Then, I realized that I was truly missing academia and decided to apply for PhD programs this cycle. How is the process going for you?? NMD: Thank you for your insights and your response! Your information confirms what I was already suspecting. I was born and raised in New Orleans (and most of my family still lives there), so I was aware of the state budget cuts that have taken place. It's very unfortunate that Louisiana doesn't have any legal protection for higher education and that its flagship university has taken so many cuts in past years. I was just in touch with the DGS yesterday, and she said that they have sent out their first round of funding offers and that it might be several weeks before I find anything else out since they are waiting on responses from those candidates. I'm trying to stay positive and believe that there is still hope (and, at least in my mind, I think there is). But I have also been thinking of backup plans just in case. By the way, Nashville is pretty awesome. I'm kind of jealous that you live there considering Knoxville isn't that special haha
  2. Hi everyone! Over the past few months, I have read many of your posts expressing your concerns, your successes, your anxiety, and your celebration. While I most likely know none of you, I would like to give my greatest thanks to each and every one of you that posted to this forum. It was your honesty in telling us of your experiences during this crazy process that have truly given me--and many others, I'm sure--emotional comfort in a time of need. Although there were times when we all wanted to give up hope, we persevered. Even if you did not receive any acceptances, you still made it through the process. And that in itself is a grand success. Never forget, there are those that never had the guts to try. While I was only accepted to one school, I am happy to say that that school is LSU, one of my best fits. My question to any of you that have been accepted to LSU for the Fall 2015 semester is this: has anyone heard about funding yet? The anticipation is killing me, but like I said above, your commentary does help!
  3. Hello all, My efforts to find out this information may be futile, but I thought I would ask anyway. Does anyone know when a school would let me know if I actually did receive an assistantship if I have been placed "high on the alternate list" to receive one? Also, if anyone has any experience in this type of situation, what do you think my chances are of actually receiving one if the DGS told me that I have a "very good chance"? How exactly does that translate? Thanks for the help.
  4. Cnova613


    Looks like we are all in the same boat. I have yet to hear anything as well. :-( I hope they hurry it up!
  5. I actually was not there. I wanted to go but I had work/class/everything else in the world that could've been scheduled for that day. However, I did find out that the official letters were sent out yesterday so we should get notification sometime next week!
  6. Greetings everyone, I was wondering if anyone that was accepted at UT knoxville for either the MA or PhD program was notified about funding yet.
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