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Ivy MA vs. Public PhD...


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I've narrowed my choices down to two and am deciding between doing an MA program in archaeology at Cornell and a PhD program in anthropology at SUNY Albany. Any thoughts? Is it better to do a separate MA first or go into a PhD program right away? I have a BA in anthropology and ultimately want to teach and concentrate on archaeological research. Both schools are a good fit and have faculty I would love to work with, and funding is not a problem. Help!

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I agree--sign up for the PhD! You should remember that you can opt out of the PhD program and finish with an MA if you want to do something else or go somewhere else. Even if you say money isn't an issue, the experience that you get from working during your degree is. You have a higher priority for any available positions as a PhD student. If a PhD is your end goal, sign up and save yourself a couple years. All your MA classes wouldn't transfer and you could spend an extra year (or two, or whatever) as a student.

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