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Everything posted by HamedGharibi
And another thing, do you know the role of corresponding author? In that article, I am the corresponding author. And about that article, did you notice the time of publication? It just published a month a go, you expect me to have citation just after one month??? You realy know how to do research, dont you? And if you do not know, self citation is also considered for measuring h_index. Take care pal, think and read million times before making a posdt
By the way, what did you do? You did not say what you did, did you? Those are my works which I mentioned above, but no one has heard anything about Eigen's works or your almighty job? So what did you do? Writing some posts without reading them carefuly and you dont even know the difference of at least and at most, now you are telling me you know research??? Come with proof, what did you and your friend do? I mean research experience and publications, I came clean, so let us know about you two
Dear Aberrant, please go and read what I said in the first post of mine, five publication in refereed journals not that one which you said, Please go and read these ones: a novel fuzzy based air quality index for air quality assessment, published by Elsevier, Atmospheric Environment Development of a dairy cattle drinking water quality index based on fuzzy lnference systems, Elsevier, Ecological Indicators A novel approach in water quality assessment based on fuzzy logic, Elsevier, Environmental Management Performance evaluation of a continuous bipolar EC/EO_EF reactor designed for simultaneous removal of ammonia and phosphate from wastewater effluent, Elsevier, Journal of hazardous materials Performance evaluation of a bipolar EL/EC reactor to enhance the sludge dewaterability, Elsevier, Chemosphere That one which you mentioned is my first article and I realy like it. When I say go and google something, I mean go and realy search, if you were not so hasty to come and think that you can humiliate me with that one you are so wrong, any way, I wish you all the bests
Good for you, but I dont know how did you make some nice articles!!! Is not waste of time to publish? Please clarify yourself because it is odd!!! If you know that publication is not important that much so why did you bother yourself to publish some nice heavenly papers??? Each paper needs at least 5 months to be accepted, at least 5 months for lab works, at least 1 month to be written, am I right? if you disagree with my idea, so why did you go through such hard work to have nice publications?? Ok, I am completely wrong and you are right, but your CV is quite like mine!!!! It seems interesting??? And another question, if you ask your trust worthy friends and professors and base your view on what they say, so tell me why did not you listen to them? According to your comment it seems they do not want you to have several publications, yeah??? It is funny, isnt it? Several publications, chapter of books,etc., please accept my condolences because based on what you said having several publications is not so important and you have wasted your life!!!!! Think twice before speak once
Dear Eigen, please excuse me for posting in this thread, I did not know that I have to ask you first to permit me to make a post. You say that research is more important than publication but you do not even know that a good publication is the indicator of your work. If you had a paper published in a good journal I am sure you would have realized how hard it is to convince the editors and reviewers that your work is good and worthy of being published. You also say that why should you go and google that!!!!!!! Because by doing so you are able to read some interviews with the members of admission committee, so tell me why should I believe your idea when the professors say something else????? Also, if you knew the scientific way of writing you would have not asked such a question, because indicating some references for your view is realy important. My friend heard something from his friend that he also read from some where is like reading a fairy tale. Show me some references if you are so certain about yourself!!!!!!!
I agree with those who say the value of a publication is important and citation is the indicator of the value. However, I do not have problem with that because total citation of my articles is over 10. The point which I was trying to say is that the universities want to have students whose research experience are acceptable and are able to handle some projects on their own. Publication shows the value of your work, the field of your interest, and an indicator of your passion to be a researcher. It is not just my idea, a lot of interviews with admission committee members are available and almost all of them subscribe to this idea that research experience and publication are the most important parts of an applicant. By the way, I did not want to insult to someone, I just wanted to say that the number of people who have strong research background is growing realy fast. So, do not just focus on GPA or GRE. You are competing with students who not only have good scores but also have strong research background. Let go of the past students, look at those who are willing to apply now! Before writing any answer to my post, please please please just google the importance of first author publication and research experience. Thank you
I am just wondering why there is still anyone who asks if one should have publication or not. Based on my research, almost all the people who apply to grad program have one or two publication. It is important. You should know how to publish your work. I have five published article in the best journals of my field and also a pending patent at USPTO. If you like you just can google my name as Hamed Gharibi. I have been recently graduated from MS.