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  • Location
    Brooklyn, NY
  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
  • Program
    Playwriting MFA

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  1. This past week has been exhausting in terms of big-decision-making. I was so close to just accepting CMU's offer, but gave Iowa a call to see where they were with the wait list first -- and I'm IN! So, really excited to say I'll be at Iowa in the fall. This board has been so vital to not losing my mind throughout this process -- you all are wonderful. I really want to know where everyone ends up -- please keep us posted.
  2. puttputt, it was great! The current students were all incredibly welcoming and informative, and I had a great time. They've made me an offer -- the only school I haven't heard from still is Indiana, but from what Reds says it sounds like a rejection is on its way. I should know if I'm off the waitlist and into Iowa next week, so hoping to make a final decision then. So close to being done with this g-d waiting game! I hope everyone else is hanging in there.
  3. Also: congrats longwalk! Sounds like you'll be really happy at USC!
  4. Just got the email -- waitlisted at Brooklyn. I know I'd rather go to CMU so I'm feeling zen about it. But two of my three letters of rec apparently never reached Ohio, even though I know they were sent months ago. This is really annoying because one of my recommenders is in the UK, so it's costly and time-consuming for him to mail another and they won't accept it electronically. I get in late tomorrow night to meet with Erik and Charles. Fingers crossed it goes okay even with this misstep.
  5. So sorry to hear that, teethwax. Keep your head up! Better news is coming. remains, I feel you on CMU -- love Rob and the program, but it's so much more debt than any other program I applied to that I can't justify jumping in without hearing back from other places. I just got an email informing me that I'm the first alternate for Iowa. On the one hand OMG YAY. On the other hand, has anyone ever gotten in off the wait list? I'm scared that this will end up being a protracted no. But I'm crossing all fingers that someone declines. Still waiting to hear from Indiana, visiting Ohio this weekend. No word from Brooklyn either.
  6. Ah, teethwax, sounds amazing! Good luck (sounds like you nailed it), and congrats to everyone who's heard good news this week! And agreed, EccentricDreamer -- this forum keeps my head on straight. Anyone heard anything from Indiana? Also someone please tell me I'm crazy to be desperate to hear from Iowa this early. These "I" schools are driving me mad with their silence.
  7. Not much new for me -- going to visit OU on 3/22 (anyone seen a midnight madness show?) and am excited. Also got my official acceptance to CMU just now, which I knew was coming but am very very excited about. Only problem is the price tag -- though it is 2 years vs. 3. Waiting to see how everything else shakes out before I let myself get too stoked! Will keep you all posted. I agree, new posts here really help. I saw Isaac's Eye by Lucas Hnath recently and it blew my mind. I am not a period-piece fan but it was so smartly done, incredibly real and well-rounded characters with perfect staging. Recommend it for all NYC-ers!
  8. This just in -- rejected from Brown.
  9. Congrats everyone on their interviews and acceptances! I got a call from and had an informal and really lovely interview with Charles Smith at Ohio yesterday. I'm going to try to go visit. They're calling their shortlist now (seems like a very loose shortlist, not "official" or anything like that) and want to make offers in about 3 weeks. Will keep you all posted!
  10. Longwalk, I'm going to Last Frontier this year! I have a couple friends who go and love it. I think it will be great. Puttputt, how did you hear from Ohio? Email or postal mail?
  11. Teethwax!!! Congrats! You're gonna kill it. Hold on tight, everyone else waiting on Yale. Sending good thoughts your way.
  12. You all are giving me so many new plays to read! My favorites jump around a lot -- it has so much to do with what I've seen or read recently. But some would definitely be: Jerusalem by Jez Butterworth Amadeus by Peter Shaffer (this is without a doubt my favorite play of all time) The Pillowman by Martin McDonagh Copenhagen and Noises Off by Michael Frayn The Dining Room by AR Gurney Any and all Brecht but especially Man Equals Man I just read The Whale by Sam Hunter and it blew my mind, as did Milk Like Sugar by Kirsten Greenidge and Belleville by Amy Herzog. And I agree, @longwalk -- keeping this board going helps a lot.
  13. So to ease my anxiety/give me something to do, I went through previous years on this message board and the PW one to see around when people hear anything from the schools I applied to. Dates I've got: Brown - earliest 2/23; latest 3/11 Iowa - earliest 3/23; latest 4/15 Brooklyn - earliest 3/12; latest 3/24 Indiana at Bloomington - earliest 3/2; latest 4/6 Ohio - 4/6 ish? Hope that's helpful. I felt better for about 10 minutes after I made the list and then I went right back to fretting. Seeing more posts here is helpful to take the edge off! How is everyone coping with the waiting game? (In case you haven't noticed patience is not my strong suit.)
  14. Go teethwax go! miranda, I also applied to Ohio -- I just submitted yesterday. FYI, you'll need to combine your two plays into one pdf to upload (you were right, janesays). I am now done! Final list: Brown Brooklyn Carnegie Mellon Iowa Indiana Bloomington Ohio I got a chance to visit CMU and speak with a few students and Rob -- seems like an amazing place to be, a great and supportive program and lots of chances to play with other theater departments. It seems like they want me there. I'm a bit scared to get into more debt though, which I'd have to for that program (but only 2 years, vs. 3). Even more reason I'm desperate to start hearing back from everyone else! I hate this waiting game.
  15. janesays -- I think you should feel really great about that note! No way they do that for everyone to seem personal; I'm sure many writers get the formal rejection. No word from any schools yet, though I guess it's still early. I want to know NOW! Anyone who's been through this before have a rough timeline for when at least some schools tend to reach out?
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