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Everything posted by vPersie

  1. I've been awarded a fulbright research grant to Fiji! Woohoo! Anyone else on here receive a grant to Fiji or any of the South Pacific Island Nations?
  2. So what's the latest anyone has heard of an alternate getting bumped up? *hopeful*
  3. Any more news on alternates getting bumped up at all? I'd be interested in hearing any information on what funding overall is looking like... and if the Fulbright program has received anymore? I'm currently in my country doing my research on a smaller grant and it is too short of a time period to get it done
  4. Quick question for you all: Did you send thank you's to all of your LOR writers? Since moving to a different state, I would have to mail them the letters. Or would email be just as good? If I had actually received the award I would've hand-written letters and sent them for sure. But as an alternate, I'm just not sure.
  5. I would suggest calling the Fulbright US Student offices anonymously, that way you can get the straight answer without it affecting your application. edit: my personal opinion is that it will not affect your application.
  6. I'll be around
  7. Hey all, I'm currently an alternate for a 2013-14 research grant. Will be applying for the same grant or for a Taiwan ETA spot. Just thought I'd drop in.
  8. Hi all! I hope all has been well since I haven't been checking in so regularly. I was hoping to get into touch with Fulbright ETA's to Taiwan. As an alternate for a fulbright research grant to a different country, I've decided to apply for Taiwan ETA this upcoming cycle. I would really appreciate learning a bit more about your application and hearing about your experiences abroad! If anyone can help me out I'd greatly appreciate it. There's no rush since I am in the middle of studying for a huge exam coming up in June anyways, but I was hoping to get some contact info before you all abandon this thread.
  9. So today I forgot I was expecting a call from CO around 6:30, and when the phone rang with a NY number I immediately thought about how they are calling alternates when they get promoted. Got super psyched and then took me 30seconds of saying "who?" "what?" to realize it was the person from CO I was expecting to call.. she was currently traveling in NY. Whew, still calming down haha.
  10. Yeah I thought it was weird too. I don't typically use "keen" in a negative fashion. But really I think they just want us to know that they understand it sucks being put on edge... again... indefinitely...
  11. To all you alternates out there: let's stay strong, hope for the best and prepare for the worst (which just means prepare our applications for next year). I'm in the same position and it was real tough for a few days, but there isn't anything you can do now but focus on the present/future. Congratulations to all those accepted! And to the non-selected, sorry
  12. I hope everyones getting the news they want, to those waiting.. keep it up!
  13. Interesting, thanks for your input as well! I am a recent graduate who is now taking some post-bac classes. I wouldn't necessarily want my abroad time to be focused on research -- teaching english would be great too. I'll be taking a year of mandarin classes this coming year and plan on applying to fulbright again amongst other opportunities. Now I'm debating whether to try again for the same research grant, seeing as I made alternate on a year when they sent out less grants, or for Taiwan ETA. Again, thanks for all the help guys. This is the reason I stick around these boards even after I've heard my decision. Everyone is so helpful! EDIT: Many people close to me are native chinese speakers (from north and south and a little in between), so it is a huge life goal of mine to be able to carry out a conversation with them in Mandarin.
  14. Wow thank you for that! I am currently an alternate for a research grant to the South Pacific Island Nations but have a strong interest in Chinese. I was a little concerned about the differences btwn Taiwan Mandarin and Mandarin China, but maybe they're not that different?
  15. Hi all you China applicants, I was hoping you could help me with something. I am very interested in learning Mandarin but know that you need to have strong Mandarin abilities to apply for a Fulbright to China. Could anyone help point me in the direction of some good opportunities that I would need 0-1 years of Mandarin to apply for? I have found a few such as Princeton in Asia, but would appreciate any help! Thank you!
  16. Thanks secretlyismaili. To answer your question, in my case my affiliate was not contacted. We're actually quite close, since I lived with him while I spent my only 2 months in the country, and I asked him.
  17. Oh wow that is interesting. Glad to hear you at least made it to the alternate as well- I'll be sure to keep you informed if I hear anything, I'd be interested to hear from you too if you hear anything Good luck!
  18. Thanks for sharing Nice to hear. Congrats!!
  19. That's nice to hear, thanks for that info! This ones for all you alternates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Hey gregw-- have you heard anything? If you have, I hope it was good!
  21. Thanks for the support guys - it's definitely a huge bummer. I have a hard time comprehending how someone would turn down the grant if they got it, but I'll keep a little bit of (realistic) hope alive I suppose. The person I connected with who got this grant 2 years back was named an alternate and then bumped up in the beginning of June. Good luck to all those who are waiting to hear, and all the other alternates.
  22. Found out just now that I am an alternate for full research grant to the South Pacific Island Nations. I have no idea how to feel. Edit: ill get all info updated in the spreadsheet later when I can get to my computer
  23. Welcome to the forum! Could you elaborate a little bit about what they said in the email?
  24. It depends on the country. If I were to get my research grant, I can leave anytime from August '13 all the way until March '14.
  25. Congrats!!!!!!
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