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Everything posted by vPersie

  1. I know, it's out of our hands though so I'm trying to not think about the sequester. Sucks. Your project sounds awesome. I've read some books about Kiribati and would love to check it out sometime. My project is isolating potential anticancer drug candidates from marine organisms in Fiji. Good luck to you! I hope we both get it.
  2. I am! Great to hear from someone! I just posted this above but I got into touch with someone who got a grant to this competition back in 2011, he said that he heard that he was an alternate on April 19th and then that he got the grant on June 2nd. I am hoping to hear this week, but trying to stay cautiously optimistic. There is a chance that the sequester will effect us and/or delay when we hear. If you don't mind me asking, what/where is your project?
  3. Congrats! to all Spain grantees. I found out that 2 years back my country heard April 19th. Or the 3rd Tuesday in April...which is tomorrow..... ooooooooooooo boy
  4. I'm not sure because I haven't looked much at any competitions outside of mine. I just know that mine does not have a Fulbright committee, and is more likely to be effected...which is really too bad. If you're not sure I'd review the Fulbright webpages associated with your program in hopes for some information. Otherwise you could call or email someone at IIE who might know. Which country are you? I think the majority of programs do have Fulbright committees, especially if they have a lot of grants available for US citizens or send many of their students to the US.
  5. Spoke with Jonathan Akeley today. He said that the sequester will more so effect countries where there is no Fulbright committee/foreign funding. He gave the example of South Korea, which have a Fulbright committee and whose government puts a lot of funding into the program. They are less likely to be effected because the USA does not fund the whole program. Found that interesting, if anyone else wanted to know.
  6. I have a good feeling about the next 9 days.. but whether or not the news will be good is a different story
  7. Sounds to me like the sequestration..
  8. Agreed.
  9. Although I haven't heard my final decision-- my country is a small competition and it might be difficult for me to connect with others, if I were to get the award, so I'd definitely be in for a general Fulbright FB group
  10. Big congrats to everyone who has heard since I've last posted!! Especially to there'sanappforthat!!!! I bet it is a big weight off your shoulders--Now you can focus all your energy on encouragement for the rest of us instead of anxiety
  11. I managed to get into touch with a past fulbrighter to my country, which is exciting bc there's no spreadsheet data for it. He heard on April 19 in 2011. Kind of comforting to hear a date. Sort of..
  12. Ok thanks. That's what I thought too.. Well I'll just hope for the best I guess.
  13. Sorry if this has been covered and I just missed it. But does anyone know any details about how the sequester is affecting fulbright? I spoke with Walter over the phone today and forgot to ask him. I know that "most the program will be unaffected" but that definitely still worries me.. Especially since my program is one of the smaller ones. I did ask if my foreign committee has turned in their decision to iie to which he said that he doesn't know but they send out notices within a day or two after the foreign committee gets their decisions in.
  14. Thanks for your support/encouragement! Interesting, could you elaborate?
  15. Hello there, so you called IIE and asked if they have heard from your country? If that's what you did, I am going to need to try that.
  16. Hhaha, thank you. I needed this.
  17. Ahh okay, thanks for clearing that up pbo. Congrats again! I have an exam in 1 hour, and I'm sure I won't hear for 1 month based on my luck haha.
  18. That's great! Congrats!! But... aren't the applicants supposed to know at the same time as everyone else or before? This makes me want to email my FPA or advisor....
  19. When you asked how to set an email alert, I was tempted to say.. There's an app for that! What sound did you choose? I had to choose "suspense" ... haha
  20. I doubt it. I'm great friends with my advisor and I know he'd contact me if he was contacted by anything concerning Fulbright. Sorry to hear that but at least you got alternate! There's still hope. Hopefully someone else can weigh in too but as far as I know, you could be notified anytime between now and a few months after the typical start date that a "principle" person turned down their grant and you are promoted to "principle." That's for full research grants at least. I would contact IIE if I were you. Good luck!
  21. Ahhh great, so much for a pattern. There's no predictability ahh! I struggle to be productive with this news looming. edit: speaking of patterns, is it just coincidence that a lot of south american countries are hearing? They are really on top of their game.
  22. Congrats!!!!!! What time did the email come?
  23. I was in China when the recommendation notifications came around in Jan. I liked it a lot because each morning I would wake up, and if there was no email from Fulbright by ~8:30am, I knew there was no point in checking until tomorrow morning. I also just love being abroad.. but I'm guessing all of us do
  24. No problem! I've never done this before for any contacts so hopefully it works.
  25. For iPhones w/ iOS 6+, first add the Fulbright email address as a VIP. I did this by finding my email from them in January, clicking on their email address to bring up the options "Create New Contact, Add to Existing Contact, Add to VIP." Select Add to VIP. Then Go to Settings -> Notifications -> Mail -> VIP. Set your notification preference as you would like
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