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Everything posted by vPersie

  1. Officially set my phone to give off a special alert for any emails received from fulbright. Hopefully I will stop checking so much now haha.
  2. Congrats! What exactly does this mean, you got it or are recommended for it?
  3. Stoppppp torturing us.. haha kidding, congrats!
  4. hahah I just laughed out loud at a starbucks. Well everyone, here's to the last day of February! Good things to come!!
  5. What do you all think about the possibility of some decisions going out tomorrow, Friday March 1st?
  6. I've never checked my spam folder so frequently, ever. In fact besides looking for Fulbright notifications I hadn't check it in over 6 months for sure. haha I broke down and emailed the embassy that is making final decisions for my competition, asking for any news or an estimate of when we might hear.
  7. Even if I don't comment all the time, I check this thread numerous times a day. Ahhh can't wait until I hear the final decision.. even if its a no, it'll be nice to finalize plans for next year.
  8. I think so, but I'd also like to pretend that this means we'll hear soon.
  9. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. My country is part of the same "region" so hopefully this means good things!
  11. This is good, I hope to hear soon.. but that might just be wishful thinking.
  12. Don't get too worked up about it. You've made it this far -- be confident! You got it.
  13. Oh lawd I can see it coming, early March *fingers crossed* Thanks for the info!
  14. I don't know if anyone else was looking to confirm there transcripts making it to IIE, but I just called them. I was told that they do not confirm individual transcripts but they will get into touch with you if their missing.
  15. The embassy will likely be in charge but you should just check the Fulbright website for your country. It should say there.
  16. At least when we know the final answer we can start prepping and making plans! And books2readme, I wish I had any idea on when I might hear. At least you have some past data
  17. It's not even Feb. yet and I'm just dying to know. ahhh.
  18. No. If it makes you feel better there's no data on my country and I could find out from February to May 15th! Ahhhh
  19. I was recommended to Fiji and there isn't any data on when finalists heard a decision in the spreadsheets. Anyone advise for or against trying to contact the embassy responsible for the decision? I don't want to bug them but would love a little more info.
  20. Hey there MMcKay, congrats on the recommended status! I don't want to sound corny -- I know you at least subconsciously gotta think about what looks better down the line -- but my main advise would be forget what looks better. Focus on what you would enjoy more. All of your options sound like they are great opportunities that will serve you (and your resume) well. Therefore the best option is the one you will enjoy the most and will be able to speak most passionately about. My two cents!
  21. There should be a link to a website in your recommendation email, they anticipate anytime between February - May 15th. But it could be as late as June, and if your an alternate that ends up getting promoted it could be as late as september. When you hear for sure from Fulbright I'd check to see if the PhD programs would accept a deferral for it.
  22. I have been recommended for a full grant to Fiji (in terms of applicantion, the "country" is actually South Pacific Islands Nations though)!!!!!!!! I am sorry to hear of those rejected.. I hope all works out in your favor.
  23. 5:15 am here right now. Cant sleep. Great.
  24. And thank you for saying that! I'm sure I'll be up here and checking this thread for a few hours.. a little hard to fall asleep at this point haha.
  25. I agree! Great post. The type of people fulbright attracts will do great things regardless of getting the award or not. Good luck to all. Luckily I am in Asia right now and will be sleeping soon (if I can possibly fall asleep... hand me a tsing tao please), so I hope to wake up to an email -- either way!
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