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Everything posted by echopw

  1. So torturous to wait interview invitation. If don't receive any email from them before Feb,1, does it mean already be rejected?
  2. Thanks for your response, I am sorry that I didnt check forum for many days. I knew a Chinese got into this project last year, she said less than 20 each year. And of course, UCLA and USC are better than this, but compared with others, NYU is a good choice. Thanks for your sharing, congratulations
  3. Thanks for your response, it helps me a lot. Wish you everything goes with well on your music career! Thank you:) Thanks for your help, I will be more diligent, thank you:)
  4. After got rejection(NYU-MM-film scoring), I think maybe I have these three lacks: 1. Dont have enough experiences, my undergraduate major is accounting, and dont have working experiences, no works for movie or TV programs; 2.Dont have famous person's recommondation; 3.This troubles me a lot, should I write a score uniquely, such as Chinese minority music; or a complex score that is hard to play. Could someone here give me suggestions? The first and second problems, will be solved during the next following year, I already got a job working for a Chinese famous music director. But the third one, I need help.
  5. Email.
  6. Yes, NYU. Thanks for your encouragement, I will reapply next year. Actually my major is accounting, and dont have any experiences. I think they mind it. One of Chinese studying at this program told me, and she also applied two years. So wish you good luck!
  7. Maybe u will receive admission letter later, I got rej just now.
  8. Are u using hotmail? If you use, you should check your trash mail.
  9. No, only NYU. Btw, do you know anyone apply the same program as me or u? For Chinese I asked a lot, not many. I am so nervous as u now. Good luck to u!!!
  10. Thank u, same to u!!!
  11. I just know, NYU is early March, cause last year I know someone got her acceptance on Mar,6th. Are u applying for NYU's film scoring?
  12. Early March. Are u applying for graduate program? I am for NYU's film scoring(MM).
  13. Thanks you two guys Really thanks for these explanations. I just can wait now, wish less competition this year like you said. Good luck!!!
  14. I totally agree!!!!! I just apply one- nyu's composition(MM-FMS), if get rejection, I will be forced to continue study accounting in Australia. It's terrible, and I dont know how to express my feeling Actually, I really admire your guy's parents support your dreams. Do not be upset, if get rejection, you all can have the second chance, but I just have one. By the way, do you guys know any others applying for the same program as me? It's strange, this year I cant find anyone, I already search many other forums, such as college confiential. wish you all good luck!!!
  15. Thank u, wish you all the best:)
  16. Is there anyone here want to apply NYU's film scoring, I only apply this one, and so nerverous now.
  17. Does there anyone want to apply for NYU film scoring program in Fall 2013?
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